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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Do something nice for your dog today

    Good dogs are hard to come by. My dumbass dog cant sit in my kayak if his life depended on it.
  2. ctafoya

    Gun safe recommendations

    I have two Yukon gold(browning) safes. Mechanical locks. I don't trust battery powered stuff. Get a bigger safe then what you currently need.
  3. ctafoya

    What makes a hunter a hunter?

    Flat brimmed hat, 6.5 creedmoor, and trophy pictures under power lines.
  4. ctafoya

    PHX area transmission shop?

    I used trail transmission recently in AJ. Did a good job for us.
  5. ctafoya

    Non Covid bug going around

    Anyone else getting sick not with covid? I have been crashed on the couch since Monday afternoon. No energy, body aches, chills, fever, etc. Went in yesterday to get tested for covid and im clean and all vitals are great. I can count on less then one hand all the times in my life I've been this sick. They said there is some sinus thing going around. My wife had it a few weeks ago. As soon as she left town to meet me back east everything cleared up. I get really bad allergies when the monsoons leave, but nothing like this.
  6. ctafoya


    So the saddle and ball gag I just sent a money order for is a scam?
  7. ctafoya

    Non Covid bug going around

  8. ctafoya

    Non Covid bug going around

    The Vax does work sometimes. It does not work to the degree we were all told. That's the problem with this push/mandate.
  9. ctafoya

    Non Covid bug going around

    Yeah I'm still not over it. I'm going to try power drinking to push it out,
  10. ctafoya


    Just got a new one myself. Look at the chitter on that!
  11. What were you doing 20 years ago? Never forget.
  12. ctafoya

    Tile shower

    Got a question on transition from drywall to cement board. My drywall is about a quarter inch higher then my concrete board. I learned a trick on u tube on how to float to get level, but it didn't mention taping. Would I tape this prior to building up my thin set, or tape after I'm even? I have about the same difference with my pan.
  13. ctafoya

    Tile shower

    Thanks, I'm going to shim then float. It will be faster and cleaner then trying to pile another 1/4" of thinset on the wall.
  14. ctafoya

    Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler

    Price, garage specs, will it fit a RZR 4?
  15. ctafoya

    Looking for 20 gauge shells for kids hunts

    I think I have a box. I wont be home till this weekend. I'll check then and let you know.
  16. ctafoya

    2022 Spring Regs

    Next will be a bonus point for proof of vaccination
  17. ctafoya


    Cheapest newer truck in town!
  18. ctafoya

    Dillon 550

    I gotta get the darn thing set up first! been sitting in the corner of my reloading room since I got it. No time for anything these days.
  19. I'm looking at getting a dillon 550c with some upgrades and dies for 223. I have several thousand to load. Do you think it's worth it over a single stage? Are there any issues with consistency when mass reloading with these?
  20. ctafoya

    Long time coming

    Still looking for my first with my bow. One of these days...
  21. ctafoya

    Massive Utah buck

    Mercy kill.
  22. ctafoya

    Jon boat

    rating on the lift?
  23. ctafoya

    Goodluck all!

    Next year. I am always too busy this time of year to get out. I need to change my priorities.