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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Found some thanks

    ^^^^^^^^this. I started doing the same when ammo disappeared from the shelves.
  2. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  3. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  4. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  5. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

    First in line.
  6. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  7. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  8. ctafoya


    Great price. I love mine.
  9. ctafoya

    Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

    I've seen those public land owner stickers on a few vehicles before. Drivers looked like dirty hippies.
  10. ctafoya

    Motor oil question

    I can't find a dealer that has any openings. Gotta change my oil myself. I am having a heck of a time tracking down 0-40. I found some but its "European" formula. It's still SAE 0-40 though. Would you think there would be any issues using it? I miss the old days.
  11. ctafoya

    Motor oil question

    The fun continues. Couldn't get the drain plug out. Torque is supposed to be 20. I broke a wrench trying to loosen it.
  12. ctafoya

    Motor oil question

    No kidding. Within the last month the guy across the streets oil filter was aboutbto completely come off when he got home. Made a mess. Couple days later ran into a guy at auto zone that went through the same thing.
  13. ctafoya

    Motor oil question

    I think I'm going to order some, but I'm about 100 miles over now and headed south Monday. Unless I can get some by tomorrow I'm going to use the euro stuff.
  14. ctafoya

    Motor oil question

    Having some fun today too. New light bar and lights!
  15. ctafoya

    Motor oil question

    2018 power wagon.
  16. ctafoya

    Wolves re-listed

    Ruling came from a judge in CA. Can't be surprised by that. Heard some rumors from the Alpine locals, (Dink, RIP) that a breeding pair of those Canadians got turned loose up there. Wouldn't understand why, but you gotta love gossip. And Dink. While I don't always wear my tinfoil hat, I have seen some HUGE wolf tracks in 1 and 27.
  17. ctafoya

    2021 37A Bighorn Hunt

    Just so I could thumbs that up twice.
  18. ctafoya

    Tire Question

    I've been having problems finding mud terrain. I needed a set of 35's and discount ordered the wrong ones. I'm making the switch to 37's on my ram when my BFG AT's wear down on my ram. Hopefully I can find them when the time comes.
  19. ctafoya

    Tire Question

    That looks like a great time. I haven't got to do something like that in a while.
  20. ctafoya

    Tag increase

    Better idea. Keep people from moving here and buying tags and don't offer non resident hunts. No putting in for your brother's girlsfriends aunt to transfer tags.
  21. ctafoya

    Start new guide service or guide for an outfit?

    I love to do a lot of stuff. I don't want to make it my job though. Turning a passion into a paycheck might not be as fun at the end if the day. The above advice seems spot on.
  22. ctafoya

    Javelina hunt times

    I've always had best luck at first light, and about 10. I have only seen them once in the afternoon. Didn't see squat this year on the archery hunt. I only got to go out 2 days though.
  23. I'll be heading to a jobsite on a mine in Southern AZ and I'm trying to get everything needed. The guys I've been talking to down there aren't really sure on everything. Theybare more office types. Here is a list of what I think I need Inspection. Will be done at the mine when I get there. Flag, 10 ft from the ground? Lighted? Wheel chocks. 5 lb extinguisher. First aid kit. Strobe, but what color? Lights wipers breaks etc all work. Any help would be appreciated. I have a small window to aquire everything and an even tighter commissioning schedule.
  24. ctafoya

    Light vehicle MSHA requirements

    Thank you to everyone who responded with worthwhile information. I appreciate it. Didn't want my post to go sideways.
  25. ctafoya

    Light vehicle MSHA requirements

    No kidding.