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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Cost of living in Payson

    Tired of the heat, noise, bad neighbors, pollution, etc. Every time I'm in the valley I feel sick. Fever, breathing issues, headache, pressure, exhaustion, and general irritability. This is a problem since I currently live in the valley. I had enough yesterday. Told the wife to get the house sold. I found a house in strawberry we really like. Work isn't an issue. I go to the airport Monday and usually come back early Friday. The hour and a half drive is nothing for me. We are usually headed out of town Fridays anyway so this will actually save us some time getting out of the valley. For those that live up there now that used to live in the valley, have you noticed a big change in cost of living, utilities, insurance, etc.? The house I'm looking at is more then I'd like to spend, but if I'm saving a on the back end I can justify things a little easier.
  2. ctafoya

    Cost of living in Payson

    Yeah it is. I made out OK on my sale, but still about 80K less then what I listed it for.
  3. ctafoya

    Cost of living in Payson

    That's crazy it takes that long for permits. I'd more then likely be doing most of the work on my own with some help from my father in law. He built his own house as well. Still a lot of time to figure it out and see how the real estate market plays out over the next few months.
  4. ctafoya

    Cost of living in Payson

    House is sold! The buyers did a fast close, rate lock was expiring. We parked at a rental for now. Downsized square feet by about 1100SF. It sucks, but it'll help weed out what we need vs what we want. Big gamble to see if the market dips or takes off again. We are flirting with the idea of just buying land and going from there. Anyone ever built their own house?
  5. ctafoya

    Food vacuum sealer or the like

    I think mine is called Foodsaver. I use the heck out of it. No issues in over 10 years with it. Bags are easy to get anywhere. That LEM is probably better though.
  6. ctafoya

    ATF paperwork

    So, I sold my house and got a rental for now. I have been trying to get clarification on what form I need to send to the ATF for my change of address. Thier website sucks for information. Also looking to get some pistols converted to SBR's. Who do you recommend now that MR Silencer is closed up?
  7. ctafoya

    ATF paperwork

    I just went to my eforms overview and updated my info. I guess thats all there is to do?
  8. ctafoya

    ATF paperwork

  9. ctafoya

    Things (snakes) that make you go, whew!

    I've stepped over a lot of them. They always let me walk away. I had one that tried to kill my quad a long time ago. He came out of the bushes and just started striking, totally unprovoked. That one didn't live to tell the tale.
  10. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

    TTT. Just paid it off and its looking for a new home.
  11. ctafoya

    1995 2 door Tahoe

    TTT. Moved to the new smaller place and its in the way.
  12. ctafoya

    Bug spray recommendations

    I keep my blood stream packed with Budweiser or 805. Mosquitoes don't like it.
  13. ctafoya

    East valley plumber needed

    I need someone that can fix my incoming water on my house. I normally do things myself but I can't sweat copper for shoot. I'm in East mesa and paying cash.
  14. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  15. ctafoya

    1995 2 door Tahoe

  16. ctafoya

    Vortex Optics Truth

    I have quite a few Vortex scopes, binos, and spotters. They have never let me down. I also have several NF and Leopold scopes that are WAY clearer. If I had to start over I'd keep the binos and spotters and spend a little more on scopes.
  17. ctafoya

    Sweet dreams tonight

    It's just a couple snakes. Ya'll are a bunch of sissies. I still make my wife come home to kill spiders for me.....
  18. ctafoya


    Will take a reasonable offer or trade for something much smaller.
  19. ctafoya

    2019 RZR

  20. ctafoya

    1995 2 door Tahoe

  21. ctafoya

    East valley plumber needed

    Shoot is not my preference of choice
  22. ctafoya

    East valley plumber needed

    So, I got ghosted by the guy who said they'd help. No worries though I have very tight windows. Sometimes things just don't pan out. I had a company come out while I was out of town and deal with the wife. They did pro press. It looks like shoot. To those of you that know code, is pro press ligit for residential?
  23. ctafoya

    I-10 Near Blythe…

    Guess I'm coming home through Parker tomorrow.
  24. ctafoya

    1995 2 door Tahoe

    $5000 or trade