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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Eberlestock Dragonfly

  2. ctafoya

    RZR rear seat platform

  3. ctafoya

    Coleman stove

  4. ctafoya

    AR 10 cycling issues

    Yeah, the simplest fix is usually the case.
  5. ctafoya

    AR 10 cycling issues

    Thanks. I haven't tried different mags yet. I'm using Magpuls currently. I'm going to run this suppressed so I should have spent some money on the gas system to begin with. Hopefully the new parts help with the issue.
  6. ctafoya

    AR 10 cycling issues

    I also ordered a Geissele braided buffer spring. Hopefully that does the trick.
  7. ctafoya

    AR 10 cycling issues

    I think I'm gonna order these and give it another try.
  8. ctafoya

    AR 10 cycling issues

    I can't recall where the cases ended up. It will fire and cycle, but not load. It is an 18-inch barrel. Set screw gas block, nonadjustable. The buffer is 5.6 ounces. Rifle length gas system.
  9. ctafoya

    2018 power wagon

    weekend bump.
  10. ctafoya

    AR parts

    weekend bump.
  11. ctafoya


    weekend bump.
  12. ctafoya

    Ruger American 6.5

    weekend bump.
  13. ctafoya

    300 BO Upper

    weekend bump.
  14. ctafoya

    Aero AR10

    weekend bump.
  15. ctafoya

    Aero barrel and gas bock

    weekend bump.
  16. ctafoya


    weekend bump.
  17. ctafoya

    More gear cleanout

    weekend bump.
  18. ctafoya


    weekend bump.
  19. ctafoya

    Eberlestock Dragonfly

    weekend bump.
  20. ctafoya

    RZR rear seat platform

    weekend bump.
  21. ctafoya

    Coleman stove

    weekend bump.
  22. ctafoya

    Sad anniversary

    Still lucky enough to have mine. My step-dad that raised me is almost 77 and still long haul trucking and going strong. He won't retire until they take his endorsement. My biological dad that I recently got in contact with is fading. Had a quad bypass at 58. He is 66 and now has the colon cancer and early onset dementia. Trying to get as much time as I can. Prompted me to make some lifestyle changes so I can be around longer for my boys. If your lucky to still have your dad in your life, cherish every minute.
  23. ctafoya

    Veterans need you!

    Yeah, they want to take our guns and give them to the illegals.
  24. ctafoya

    2018 power wagon

    Passed emissions this morning and has a full tank. its ready for its new home.