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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    Must be Australian
  2. ctafoya

    First time @ 500

    Do you have an app for calculations? If so what one?
  3. ctafoya

    In denial

    Yup fireball and bud light
  4. ctafoya

    24A bound

    The main dirt road is near the hospital? I've looked around on google maps and that looks like the best road heading to the mountain.
  5. ctafoya

    24A bound

    Cool I'll check that out this weekend
  6. ctafoya

    24A bound

    Anybody ever been up and over the mountain from globe? I've been going all the way around to dripping springs And there just has to be a shorter way
  7. ctafoya

    Magazine Capacity

    Guess I'll load up my 60 rounders for the pig hunt.
  8. ctafoya

    Magazine Capacity

    ? Since when were there no limits. Thought it was 5
  9. They'll vote for em agian. The age of entitled is here. Ignorant college kids raised by and taught by libs. Kids that watch thier lazy parents live of the government dime and think thats the way it is supposed to be. Unless the youth of this country gets a leason in real life nothing will change.
  10. I wonder if all those too lazy to work are still getting their unemployment food stamps and obamaphones?
  11. Time to take the country back from these children in washington.
  12. ctafoya

    black bear hunt in unit 22?

    Scat scratches tracks bears. east of payson
  13. My wifes 7mm did the same thing. My 300wsm dont care it eats anything.
  14. On top of federal workers/contractors being sent home with no check, I read that the VA will not be sending disability checks out if this mess isn't patched up by late October. Thats a good chunk of my income. I'm so glad I won't be able to make my vehicle payments. Time to clean house from top to bottom. Every last one of em.
  15. ctafoya

    black bear hunt in unit 22?

    I've seen killer sign in that area and bears just to the west.
  16. ctafoya

    black bear hunt in unit 22?

    Intersection of control road west of tonto village at NF-29.
  17. I'm loading up some 308 and 223. Do I need to have a crimp die or can I just load them? Both will be shot from a bolt action.
  18. I'v been trying to at least move north to show low just to be out of a major city. Hopefully we still have a few years so I can get my kids the heck outa here.
  19. ctafoya


    xbox is gone.
  20. ctafoya


    Everything is just about sold. Just a few things left. Bully dog 6.0 powerstroke programmer. $50 Kids bunkbed bedroom set. Lots of storage. Some wear but still really nice. Paid over 2k. $600
  21. ctafoya

    What do you consider a big bull

  22. ctafoya

    200+Typical Archery Mulie from 36A

    This is why I never will post ANYTHING I kill on this or any other site. Its to rack is too small so out come the bashers. Its too big so I must have poached it. An opinion is just that, but now it seems like this topic is hyjacking every post someone makes. Ridiculous.
  23. ctafoya

    Brass splitting help!!!!

    How many times have the shells been loaded? How hot of a load are yours and your friends reloads? I've had a few shells split atfer several reloads and I also load pretty hot.
  24. Well, it's shut down. Now what? Obamacare still goes on. A$$holes in washington still get paid. Government employees are without a paycheck. What are we accomplishing here? They will eventually cave to the libtards and life will go on.