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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    They're up!

    not right
  2. ctafoya

    g2r RIP

    I'll stick to regular rounds. These will be banned soon anyway I'm sure.
  3. ctafoya

    Good Rifle For My Girlfriend

    .300wsm. Go big or go home
  4. If we were ment to fly we would have wings. I keep my butt on the ground. Too much out of your control up there. To many things can go wrong and you cant do anything about it when they do.
  5. ctafoya


    10 seconds
  6. All this crap going on is why I'm getting ready to move out of the valley. Just need to find work in the mountains and I'm done.
  7. ctafoya


    Tuesday 0930
  8. ctafoya

    12ga Reminton Wingmaster

    How does that 270 kick and how heavy is it? I need to pick something up for my 10 year old.
  9. ctafoya


    I'll take the CCI 200. PM sent
  10. ctafoya

    which tire to get?

    Buy mud tires and get a bigger stereo system to drown out the noise.
  11. ctafoya


    I've been chewing since I was 12. I quit for 4 months during basic training. Should have never started agan.
  12. ctafoya


  13. ctafoya

    Photo Radar

    Anyone ever beat a photo radar ticket? I went down today to get a continuance to figure out if I'm gonna fight or go to school.
  14. ctafoya

    check this YouTube video out!

    That's crazy.
  15. ctafoya

    Photo Radar

    Its not about that. It's about a system that puts "enforcing" laws in the hands of companies that are making a profit and not in the hands of LEO's. If I am pulled over or caught doing something illegal by an officer I'll take full responsibility for what I've done.
  16. ctafoya

    Photo Radar

    So I'm reading my "ticket" and it says to mail payment to Violation processing po box 22091 tempe az. That is the po box for American trafic solutions. Mesa paid them for the cameras and pay for maintenance. Ticketing for profit not public safety. They are not sworn officers so how can they issue a fine through the court? No sworn officer was present at the time of said offence. I'll be fighting this.
  17. ctafoya

    When will we see the first CC Hit??????

    Second Tuesday of next week.
  18. ctafoya

    Photo Radar

    My mom got a ticket from one in star valley last year. She lives in NM so she didn't try to fight it. She's a liberal anyway so I feel she deserved it.
  19. ctafoya

    whats your back up plan?

  20. ctafoya

    Gun Safe ?'s

    I have the big yukon gold. Great safe. Will not hold as many guns as it claims tho
  21. Ammo seems to be worth more then firearms these days. I keep it all in the safe.
  22. ctafoya

    Photo Radar

    I got served. I was told by the courts that I can get hit with 2 to 3 points.
  23. ctafoya

    Anyone Been Here?

    Seeing those pics gives me more motivation to get off my but and go exploring more.
  24. ctafoya

    Looks like I drew a Elk Tag

    you drew a d-bag tag!!!!!!