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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    WTB 20 Gauge

    Need a 20 gauge for turkey season. Something easy for kids to handle. Not looking to break the bank.
  2. ctafoya

    Unit 1 Archery Bull tag 1st tag ever

    Be in shape!! I drew the same tag thinking I would not get drawn. Too much beer drinking and not shooting my bow enough is coming back to haunt me. Time to get my butt in gear. Good luck!
  3. ctafoya

    Kids Bow

  4. ctafoya

    WTB 20 Gauge

    Got what I need. Thanks lionhunter. It was nice meeting you and your boy.
  5. ctafoya

    Who knows where I am? Part II

    Somewhere I'd rather be then here.
  6. ctafoya

    Who knows where I am?

    The left side of the tree.
  7. ctafoya

    unit 1

    +1 on that moisture. Been a dry year up there.
  8. ctafoya

    CWT Country Thunder Roll Call

    Going on 15 years since I've gone. Maybe next year.
  9. ctafoya

    Remington 1911 R1 45 ACP What would you do

    Sell it buy something you can use.
  10. ctafoya

    FS 1993 Toyota 2WD Pickup

    If we didn't just draw three bull tags i'd be all over that. Good deal.
  11. ctafoya

    need help

    maybe gunbroker.com i'v been finding lots of hard to find stuff there if your willing to pay slightly over retail
  12. ctafoya

    Just a few(updated)

    Better then I have been doing. I have found ONE shed my entire life. Its a coues shed I found at the fire ring when we pulled into camp for a coues hunt a few years ago. I really need to move out of the valley.
  13. ctafoya

    Kids Bow

    East mesa work in chandler
  14. ctafoya

    WTB 20 Gauge

    Thanks for the offer hoghntr i'll keep it in mind.
  15. ctafoya

    Kids Bow

    Right hand
  16. ctafoya

    Kids Bow

  17. ctafoya

    WTB 20 Gauge

  18. ctafoya

    Vortex Nomad Spotter

    I'll take it.
  19. ctafoya

    unit 1

    Unit one for me. I booked my father in law.
  20. ctafoya

    Results are Up!!!

    Got the same tag. My father in law has been trying for 20 years and lives in Alpine. I think he is gonna kill me.
  21. ctafoya

    First time tag holders

    Not my first but my first archery tag. Unit 1
  22. ctafoya

    Weatherby AC-500 pump 20 gage

    If this isn't sold i'm interested. Pm me if its available.
  23. ctafoya

    Quiet Handgun

  24. ctafoya

    Knoll Lake

    Best lake on the rim. A lot less pressure then the others.
  25. ctafoya

    Results are Up!!!

    Its all sinking in now. Less beer more working out. What did I get myself into?