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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    NM vs AZ

    I grew up in NM. Food is better and people are nicer for the most part. That's about it.
  2. ctafoya


    Worth the extra money to get out of this smog infested crime ridden cramped $h!t hole place they call the valley.
  3. I've heard some rumors from some people that live in the Alpine area that a male and female were introduced a few years back. This was one of those I know a guy that knows a guy that said his friend knows about something. Probably BS but you never know.
  4. ctafoya


    Just part of the grand scheme to turn this country to a third world country. I'm moving my family to the mountains as soon as possible. Life in the city is gonna get bad soon.
  5. ctafoya

    Unit 33, 2450 Coues tags!

    24a is the same way.
  6. ctafoya

    Slide fire again?

    Just heard a rumor that there is another fire in the same spot.
  7. ctafoya

    and for shooting coyotes...

    I don't have the time and money to invest in too many different calibers. 300wsm 180 grain vld's work for everything.
  8. ctafoya


    Wow this went the wrong direction fast.
  9. We are taking my wife's new rem 700 7mm for the first shots tomorrow morning. It has a viper 4-16x50 HS LR dead hold BDC with a zero stop. I am considering setting the zero stop at 200 yards if I have enough shims. Any drawbacks or advantages to doing this?
  10. ctafoya

    Zero stop setting

    This just isn't right. My wife was always a better shot then me and now she has this setup. Its just not fair.
  11. ctafoya

    Wieght bench

    Sorry for the sideways pics my IPhone is next on my list to be replaced.
  12. ctafoya

    Playing God

  13. ctafoya


    Not surprised one bit.
  14. just another distraction by the administration on whats heading our way. slight of hand.
  15. ctafoya

    Rifle scope debate anyone?

    I as well own both and will stick to my vortex. Better glass and warranty.
  16. ctafoya

    Happy Birthday Coueselk and Ctafoya!

    Thanks Amanda. Glad to see that it went to a good home.
  17. ctafoya

    Would you or wouldn't you pull the trigger??

    Nice. I would have let him finish up then finished him off.
  18. ctafoya


    I used to almost be suprised by the news. Now nothing suprises me.
  19. ctafoya

    Calling Elk, Good/bad Idea???

    I don't have thier number
  20. With all the recent land grab deals going on and all kinds of govt agencies buying up all this ammo and firepower it just makes you have to sit back and wonder if agenda 21 is really in play. From time to time I let my mind wonder into the world of conspiracy theories to pass the time. What do you think?
  21. ctafoya


    Take a lion tag with you if you go.
  22. ctafoya


    I haven't been there in a while, but you can get back there over from the turn off at Pinto valley mine rd. That will take you all over back there. There is also a road about 1/4 mile past devils canyon before top of the world that will get you back in there.
  23. My in laws have two of these quads with all the extras you could think of. Been trying to buy one ever since riding the ones they have. These things are beasts.