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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Gun hates me

    168 or 180 bergers with h4350 is the only thing my wife's will shoot decent, but still not good enough. She got hers new and its been a turd since she pulled it out of the box. She wants a savage 116 now.
  2. Gotta love the center for biological diversity. https://news.yahoo.com/wildlife-advocates-accuse-utah-ignoring-wolf-sighting-174326927.html
  3. ctafoya

    Just a reminder - watch out for spiders!

    I rented a house that was infested with scorpions. I was terrible. My new house is all good except for 3 black widows I've found.
  4. ctafoya

    Underwater archery

    I like the new picture you got.
  5. ctafoya

    Tackle Boxes

    The games don't promote violence. Kids without parents that give a $h!t and teach em right from wrong promote violence. My kids play the games, and so do I, and yes they are violent. But so is tv, and everything else in his world.
  6. ctafoya


    I rarely get bit. I can watch a swarm of mosquitoes around me. They land and take off right away. Whiskey intake might scare em off.
  7. ctafoya

    how to cool down meat after kill

    Gut it, skin it, bone it, hang it, and get processed as fast as possible in that order. My oldest got his last year during the late hunt. We hung it for 3 days while my wife tried to fill her tag. Freezing at night, but the meat never really froze. Got it back home and processed it. We are still eating off it and its great!! Preparation is the key. Keep it clean and cool and your good to go.
  8. ctafoya

    Monday Check in

    Yeah, I guess its time to stop making excuses and get after it.
  9. You best get a watermark on that pic for proof of the first bull of the season down by the cwt community.
  10. ctafoya


    D-bag of the day awarded to........
  11. ctafoya

    Monday Check in

    I've gotten way off track. Last year I was doing great. I had early archery bull, wife and oldest had late bull rifle, two other boys had deer and javelina. Started eating better working out, them BAM!! Umbilical hernia while doing leg curls 3 months before my hunt. In between recovery and the hunt, we bought a new house and moved in just two weeks before my hunt. The rest of the year was spent running around on everyone else's hunts. After the last one, motivation dropped off. This year, no tags except two junior pig tags next month. I have been trying to exercise and eat right, but its hard when I live out of a suitcase on the road half of the year. I need to figure it soon, getting a little too out of shape.
  12. ctafoya

    Tackle Boxes

    I tied escaping the city life to get my kids out of hear. Not enough job opportunities. Now I work from home and the kids are too old to uproot.
  13. ctafoya

    Elk palmation racks, lets see them!

    There was one I was after last year. He came from escudillia and right across the in laws property on day 2 when I was headed back for the night. Played cat and mouse for several days until I ran into another hunter who gut shot him and couldn't find him south of nutrioso. Sounded like a dragon when he bugled.
  14. ctafoya


    +1 on should be shot.
  15. I haven't read the news for a while so I don't if this is new, but I'm glad to see it. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/military-selects-rarely-used-charge-for-bergdahl-case/ar-AAe2cJE?ocid=ASUDHP
  16. One year ago today I was out in the woods looking for my spot for the next morning hearing elk screaming all around me. Hopefully I'll get a tag next year.
  17. ctafoya

    Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

    I saw tons of gear last year in unit one. Only one cam was off the beaten path. Strange how stuff gets left out where you rely on the next person to do the right thing and be honest. Not many people are these days.
  18. ctafoya

    Unit 22N

    22n becomes a circus this time of year. Tons of rag horn and Richard head "hunters" on quads tearing through the woods. Had the tag 6 years ago and camped right off of control road. With all that being said, I was into bulls every day. Even in camp. I found the higher you get to glass, the more people you see. Get out there and hike and you'll be in em. Also, get a mountain lion tag. Ran into three of them on my hunt.
  19. ctafoya

    AT&T Service Coverage in the White Mountains???

    LOL AT&T. Stay away. We had them at a previous employer and we always got in trouble for not answering because the POS phone never rang. I only stay with Verizon because of the coverage I get when out in the sticks.
  20. ctafoya

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    I got one on the wall in my game room....
  21. This is one of the headlines today on yahoo from somewhere where people hate Americans until they need us. While I do feel for these people, what about the starving children on our streets in this country? I work my azz off to pay taxes to the current regime. I would at least like to see my hard earned tax dollars benefiting people of this country, that want to some day CONTRIBUTE TO WHAT THEY HAVE TAKEN!!! My family is not originally from this country, but they worked hard to see the American dream unfold for them, because they PAID THERE DUES AND WORKED THIER AZZ OFF FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!! Bash me if you want, but this does not fall under "hunting politics". This is campfire material. We are all paying for this.
  22. ctafoya

    Wood floor

  23. Tried that last year. Still owe about 6k