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Everything posted by ctafoya

  1. ctafoya

    Stolen F250

    My mom worked for the yard that my truck ended up at. I got all the pictures that they sent to the insurance company. From what I was told they ended up crushing it as there was no useful parts that weren't stained with blood and brain mater. The shooting went down in a town that a guy I used to work with calls home. Small world. Ill dig up a few pics that aren't too graphic.
  2. I am not an expert reloader by any means, so im a little bit concerned. I have noticed lately my 300wsm is feeling a little strange. When I close the bolt, its tighter then heck. Still shoots great, but it just doesn't seem right. Brass has been reloaded quite a few times. All the overall measurements are ok. I don't have this issue with any other rounds except this one. Could it just be time to recycle brass?
  3. ctafoya


    Finding dens like that is a dream come true. Only found two. But I guess I'm strange, I actually go out looking for em.
  4. ctafoya


    Been out in 37b this week on a youth pig hunt. Seen a racer and a ring neck. No rattlesnakes yet. Did run into a young Gila monster today. Just be aware. When I was a kid I used to make my money selling rattlesnakes to the roundup in New Mexico. Never been afraid of em, just got to have respect for what they can do to you. As far as snake chaps, I think it's a waste of beer money.
  5. ctafoya

    Boiling heads

    Another successful youth javalina hunt. I might have asked this question last year. I got the head as clean as possible. Just a little tissue, gums, and brain left. Last year I got a slow rolling boil with a little bit of dawn for two hours. Pulled em out, scrapped off gunk, cleaned nasal cavities, and scrambled brains. Boiled again for another two hours and they cleaned up nice, but I had to put all the teeth back in and the scull seemed pretty thin. Ho do all you guys do it?
  6. ctafoya

    Stolen F250

  7. ctafoya


    American Furniture.
  8. ctafoya

    Think you had a BAD day?

    Saw a few like that in 27 last year on the late hunt. The new fences they are putting up everywhere sure don't help.
  9. ctafoya

    Stolen F250

    Mine came back two years later with two dead dudes in it.
  10. ctafoya

    Tight in the chamber

    I do trim my brass. Maybe my chamber is a little shorter then normal?
  11. ctafoya

    Hunting on a Clean vs Fouled Bore (continued)

    All my guns like it dirty.
  12. I've seen em in 22 north in mid December
  13. ctafoya

    How highs the water momma

    I left my hotel in Columbia about 5 hours before everything hit. They were getting ready for it. A lot of dams opened up to get lake levels down. Not enough. The funny thing is the site superintended where my jobsite is cant figure out why we aren't coming back for two weeks. Cant fix stupid.
  14. ctafoya

    ***SOLD*** Savage Model 11 6.5 Creedmoor

    If I wasn't in Florida till Friday that woulda been mine.
  15. ctafoya

    Queen rustic bed

    cool bed
  16. ctafoya

    Monday Check in

    Didn't drop any weight this week, but the change has started. Eating better and slowly getting back into working out.
  17. ctafoya

    Monday Check in

    Weighed in this morning at 230. Working in south Carolina this week. Got off the plane and hit the wal mart. No crap food. Got me all kinds of good stuff. Hopefully this time I stick to it. All they have at the holiday inn are ellipticals, but there's plenty more I can do on my own. No more excuses.
  18. ctafoya

    Attention houndsman

    I gotta pretty mean pug....
  19. ctafoya

    Ruger 10/22 Magazines - SOLD

    Man, I always miss the good deals.
  20. ctafoya

    Info wanted - electrician

    Element from an old wall heater?
  21. ctafoya

    My sons 1 st bull..... With a muzzleloader!

    Nice bull, congrats!
  22. ctafoya

    Ever seen this.

  23. ctafoya

    What do do with my elk head in camp

    Hopefully its not still there.....
  24. ctafoya

    Gun hates me

    I know my post doesn't help with your issue, but I have seen a few posts on here recently about the same problems with Remington. I wouldn't let someone pay me to use a Remington after the last pos rifle I picked up.