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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Dream Hunt?

    Y’all are fancy. The poor man in me says late season coues deer in any border unit
  2. oz31p

    Monday Check in

    I thought you were off the green??
  3. oz31p

    Kill shot video

    Never get tired of watching kids knock down good bucks
  4. oz31p

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    For sure, these small antlered elk are still made out of meat right?
  5. oz31p

    WTS-2018 Ford Transit T350 Van

    # vanlife
  6. oz31p

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Tri tip from a pig?
  7. oz31p

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    Not sure how this is gonna work but some how my daughter drew 22s late rifle bull and my wife drew 23late rifle bull.
  8. oz31p

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    I was able to log in just now but it’s not updated
  9. I’m guessing you have not been to Payson in a while.
  10. oz31p

    And the Card hits will begin

  11. oz31p

    And the Card hits will begin

    But seriously, let’s guess the date for the portal update
  12. oz31p

    And the Card hits will begin

    You and az game and fish have that in common
  13. oz31p

    Successful HAM hunt

    At least you have the calf’s for it!
  14. oz31p

    Successful HAM hunt

    That’s not how Adams sees it.
  15. oz31p

    Successful HAM hunt

    Well it wasn’t me. I was just curious. I’ve also been texting Adam about it. what kinda of idiot dimes out his taxidermist?
  16. oz31p

    And the Card hits will begin

    Done. Two hits 135 just now
  17. oz31p

    And the Card hits will begin

    Kind of irrelevant I’ll have a late archery tag, and my kid will have a late rifle bull tag
  18. oz31p

    Superbowl What a gamw

    I saw that in korea at 6am
  19. oz31p


    lol pan of water and a small torch
  20. oz31p

    Successful HAM hunt

    I understand the function, but reading the law black and white it’s confusing
  21. oz31p

    Successful HAM hunt

    I see there’s no butt stock but the law being referenced says “ any apparatus capable of being used to steady the handgun again the body”
  22. oz31p

    Successful HAM hunt

    Is this not an issue ?
  23. Lark or Mr 7/08?? Lol
  24. oz31p

    Javelina Rifle and Cartridge

    I’m not sure how many my group has killed but a 100g rem core lock from a 243 . I have not seen one take more that one step