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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Anyone work at Discount Tire

    Dude go to Costco
  2. oz31p

    Coues or Mule Deer

    That is a good mule deer buck fwiw
  3. oz31p

    Need help, Clever pest control company names.

    I heard he all ready does animals!!!!!!
  4. oz31p

    looking to borrow 40qt cooler for a week

    I have a canyon 35 you could borrow. If a true 35 would do heres the specs https://canyoncoolers.com/products/outfitter-35
  5. oz31p

    looking to borrow 40qt cooler for a week

    What part of town are you in?
  6. oz31p

    Coues or Mule Deer

    They are just joking around. If your picture was in color it would be obvious. It’s not the antler configuration. It’s there face and butt. It’s not gonna work as well with a black and white picture. Mule deer tail looks like a piece of rope. Coues deer is a wide flap. A coues deers face is almost all gray with a small white ring around the nose. .mule deer have a large black patch on the forehead and white snout
  7. oz31p

    Apply the tag

    On velvet deer, I sprinkle dirt on all of the sticky part except the last inch on each side.
  8. oz31p

    Where to coyote hunt?

    On Tontos home page click on stage 1 fire restrictions.
  9. oz31p

    Where to coyote hunt?

  10. oz31p

    Where to coyote hunt?

    It’s easy info to find
  11. oz31p

    Where to coyote hunt?

    Fake news!!😉 tonto is close to target shooting. Taking hunting is perfectly legal
  12. That’s not terrible. It’s not like dove where your shooting constantly.
  13. oz31p


    Congrats. i have a tag this year, it’s not my first but I’m extremely exited for it.
  14. oz31p


    Depends what your do for work
  15. oz31p

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    That guy/\/\
  16. oz31p


    I’m stilling trying to figure out who I blame for not drawing a 23 tag this year?
  17. oz31p

    Top location per MSN

    I’d say so
  18. oz31p

    Tag Donation

    Tom makes it effortless
  19. oz31p

    Youth tags 33

    The first time I ever bow hunter there was 10 or 15 years ago in the first week of Jan. I meet some family down there. I remember the sun coming up and being disappointed be cause it was just desert and I was missing my juniper honey hole rut center in 19a. About 30mins later I realized there were hundreds of does with bucks running wild. Things have changed down there for sure.
  20. oz31p

    Youth tags 33

    I agree but with a child on their first hunt you could be on the other side of the unit, not see another hunter and hunt in any directions with out worry about land issues.
  21. oz31p

    Youth tags 33

    It’s good country, it’s just a pretty small area now
  22. oz31p

    WTB 3D Archery target

    Arizona archery club sells off their a few times a year from their face book page
  23. oz31p

    Youth rifle for girl

    The important thing is you post a picture after she killls one