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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    WTB Quarter/Half Cow

    Either San tan or qc
  2. oz31p

    Late season Arizona bull hunt

    One important tip about this hunt is not to accidentally shoot a cow... before you laugh too hard, I know TWO brothers(my cousins) who each shot cows on 5b late rifle bull hunts In Different years. I hope they read this!!
  3. oz31p

    We need a CWT gathering

    What if we “let” you win?
  4. oz31p

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    I thought it was Montana that was know for courting goats/sheep?
  5. oz31p

    wtb used horse shoes.

    Jack gave me about 1000 5 years ago. And jrn22 is either scammer or a hoarder.
  6. oz31p

    wtb used horse shoes.

    Looking for around 50 used horse shoes. Not sure how much they go for.
  7. oz31p

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    I doubt it ...too many selfie stops
  8. oz31p

    Wyoming Archery Antelope Semi Live Hunt

    Your getting uglier the older you get
  9. oz31p

    WTB: Engine Stand

  10. oz31p

    Tred Barta

    that’s terrible. Tred was the reason I started hunting then bow hunting and then traditional archery
  11. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    Ended up glassing 3 bears total. All pretty far and we’re not there when I got there. Ended up chris crossing the valley several times. At some point I’ll find one on my side of the valley. Like maybe next weekend. I’m whipped and at home already.
  12. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    I did glass a big chocolate this evening. But he was quite a ways off. Gonna try to find him in the morning
  13. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    I have a tag but lion is not open.
  14. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    I glassed a bear this morning but he wander off or bedded before I got to him. I also glassed a lion. It was painful to watch the lion hunt around the hillside full of coues.
  15. oz31p

    Taxidermy advice

    They look real. They just look like they came from Ohio.
  16. oz31p

    fake turf installer

    So...we’re any bears killed or not??
  17. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    It’s active now
  18. oz31p

    Seeing Double Crosshairs

    Ya that’s pretty normal for a fella your age😉
  19. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    Don’t know never killed a bear but I’ve killed several aug deer. I’d bet it’s similar. id get it on ice fast
  20. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    You got any Richy rich tips for finding bears??? Obviously Joking....unless your really have some tips 😊
  21. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    Me me me !!!
  22. oz31p

    Broken release "Help"

    I have a spot Hogg Saturday night special you can use if you don’t find one
  23. oz31p


    I know he had some medical issue a while back. I talked with him on the phone the week before last, seems things are getting back to normal.
  24. oz31p


    I’m surprised no one has mentioned Bret prentice at game trail. His work always looks like it’s about to walk off.
  25. oz31p

    Sig 2400ABS vs G7 BR2?

    I also really really like my 2400