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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    questionable AZ history

    I knew this one. I was working in Kearny and an older gentleman explained it to me.
  2. oz31p

    WAR in Kentucky!

    It’s more motivational than “creepy”
  3. oz31p

    WAR in Kentucky!

    I took a screen shot
  4. oz31p

    XOP Vanish XT Evo treestand

    Nice hat
  5. oz31p

    Son's First Deer: Hooked on Coues!

    Nice job. I always tell my daughter that we ll stop at dq if we kill. I’ll never tell her we’re stopping either way!
  6. oz31p

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Are you telling me I can get me a Jaguar or a wolf for 8k, or do I need to be a Az G&F employee?
  7. oz31p

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    DUDE!!! Obliviously P&Y. I’m alittle disappointed I had to explain this.
  8. oz31p

    Walking in the dark to your stand...

    I seldom hike to a “stand” but i hike a lot in the dark. I bet my headlight looks more like a beacon from a distance
  9. oz31p

    Credit Cards

    Don’t give them any ideas
  10. oz31p

    Trophy Bull Poached

    Oh please let this become a thing!!
  11. oz31p

    Trophy Bull Poached

    Elk are alitttle harder to transport
  12. oz31p

    Trophy Bull Poached

    🤔🤔Heber you say ??
  13. oz31p

    Rat Bait

    Poison is the best bet. If you want to chase them around your self it’s going to turn into a full time job.
  14. oz31p

    Lower Lake Mary or Ashhurst lake in mid October?

    Garlic flavored chartreuse
  15. oz31p


    I can’t find the middle finger instead of the “like” button
  16. Since the hybrids came out ... I didn’t know people still hunted with the Vdl.
  17. oz31p

    Moosings - Idaho - 2019

    You silly grown men and your silly selfies
  18. oz31p

    Help With Score Guess

    You guys joke... I work with a guy that’s been telling this story of this huge coues hybrid he shot in21. Finaly I make him show me a pictures And it’s a perfectly symmetrical 4x4 mule deer buck with a mule deer face. I tryed to explain all this to him but he tells me he showed the picture to a biologist and he told him it’s a hybrid.
  19. oz31p

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    Well in the future...I’ll know it if you need any info
  20. oz31p

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    That’s my plan. I’m going down next weekend end your welcome to explore with me.
  21. oz31p

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    If your offering I have a 35b late tag😉
  22. oz31p

    Swarovski Customer Service

    I knocked my 12s over last year a few times last year. They fixed them for free.
  23. oz31p

    22S Last Night

    He’s built for it. It’s ridiculous that we have “pro” hunter, but aside from pimping any product they tell him to, his job is to hunt.