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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Ethics or not?

    If they downed a bull, they would have stuck around a while right?
  2. oz31p

    How much water to take, 2 day pack-in

    Around 2l per day
  3. oz31p

    Point Guard

    I did the exact same thing last year.
  4. oz31p

    Good Luck Sheep Hunters!

    I’m jealous, we are stitting here staring at the weather apt. Getting ready to head back out to finish by daughters Jr deer hunt
  5. oz31p

    My 13A Muley

    Social media, tape measures and guides have ruined hunting.
  6. oz31p

    Mossberg Patriot .243

    How much for the terrarium?
  7. oz31p

    Lost tripod on Ft. Huachuca

    I bet it’s great to pick apart each Bush toward the back of base where it gets thick
  8. oz31p


    I like my cbe tek hunter but I think the pins are alittle vulnerable. A buddy has the black gold and I think if I had to replace mine that’s what I’d get.
  9. oz31p

    Mossberg Patriot .243

    How much for the Bush
  10. oz31p

    18b javelina

    Congrats. If it’s the area you told me about . There’s getting to be a good herd in there
  11. oz31p

    A little sausage for holidays

    Should have called ...I got a little sausage for ya
  12. oz31p

    20C youth hunt help

    We have been at it since the opener. I’d guess the rain scattered them. almost killed a great buck at first light in opening morning. But the fog was messing with my rf. Passed a few spikes. It’s been pretty windy the last few days. Not sure what the next round of weather is going to do to them. Our group shot a big 3x2 Saturday, by mistake only to watch a big4x4 walk off. But no sightings of him since. as for advice, there are areas in 20c that get little to no pressure. the best advice I’d give it to keep at it! And pack cosmic brownies.
  13. How was the meat? I always wonder about deer. I left a late archery bull over night once and lost alittle meat
  14. oz31p


    Looking for love in all the wrong places?
  15. oz31p

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    I vote dismemberment.
  16. oz31p

    Kuiu guide jacket XL olive green FS

    Have you tried wearing them all at the same time ?
  17. oz31p


    Man we had a good razzing going and you ruined it
  18. oz31p

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Yes as well as hard time. I’m sure your aware but people that do theses things don’t ever learn their lesson and typical repeat offend.
  19. oz31p


    Your terms are agreeable.
  20. oz31p


    Oh we frown on folks who move away😉
  21. oz31p

    I-17 Traffic Alert **UGH**

    He’s just saying people should stop going to payson because it was a small town and now ifs full of transplants I’ve found that coming through Prescott/yarnell addeds 40 mins but that’s to the west side
  22. oz31p

    Exo and Kifaru

    Did you make fun of the mustache?
  23. oz31p

    Scope Shopping

    Every one likes their vortex till it fails them. 😉
  24. oz31p

    Canada Semi Live Whitetail Hunt

    Damm trophy hunters
  25. oz31p

    WTB Swaro 12x50’s.

    I hope you find as good of a deal as you gave me