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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Interesting as it lay

    Looks like a person implanted it there
  2. oz31p

    God Bless Our Troops

    Hunting because we are hunters and it is hunting season
  3. oz31p

    horses in elk unit

    I’d eat a horse
  4. oz31p

    Mule Deer 33/37B

    It’s not even a real hunt Till you get cholla’d
  5. oz31p

    help coues unit 24b

    I’m just foolin with you. Any thing with a bow is a dam fine accomplishment that most never do!!
  6. oz31p

    help coues unit 24b

    That’s not a coues deer😉
  7. oz31p

    God Bless Our Troops

    https://www.foxnews.com/world/ukrainian-plane-crash-tehran-iran-180-passengers Fox News, in the first sentence of the story.
  8. oz31p

    unit 24b in arizona

    I’ve killed around 20 animals with a bow in Arizona with my boots on. I ain’t starting now.
  9. What did game and fish say when you contacted them?
  10. It’s in the 2020 hunting regulations
  11. But G&F is a law enforcement agency’s so they do in fact define it. And barrel length is not a factor. To use a weapon that is all but a rifle via a loophole, your only cheating your self.
  12. oz31p

    Hungry Mountain Lions

    Who do I need to talk to to make that happen?
  13. oz31p

    WTB Coyote Rifle - 22Mag, .17, .223, etc.

    Walmart has a savage 93 in 17hmr for 199
  14. oz31p

    Hungry Mountain Lions

    Man is the deer herd so bad that the poor lions have to eat on liberal hikers?
  15. oz31p

    1st Archery Kill.

    Good luck switching back!!!!
  16. oz31p

    Glassing Direction

    The last time I told some one what side of a hill to glass and when, an hour later we were skinning a buck on the wrong side of the hill.
  17. oz31p

    New Smoker on the market

    Totally reasonable
  18. oz31p

    New Smoker on the market

    Traeger uses John Deere equipment?? IM OUT
  19. oz31p

    Wtb concealed carry pistol

    There’s a lady’s Smith in the classifieds. I know it’s not a pistol but imo it’s the perfect ccw.
  20. oz31p

    New Smoker on the market

    The only taste difference is to people who hold some sort of grudge against new things. kinda like people who have an issue with some types of Camo.
  21. oz31p

    5b Archery date changes

    Good cause I’m due!!!
  22. oz31p

    Max Bonus points

    1998 19a and 2020 19a might aswell be in different universes.
  23. oz31p

    Diesel Rebuild Shops

    I’d say your on the right track. as for smoke out the breather. “A lot” is subjective. It’s is smoke mist steam? Is there pressure behind it? Plug it. Does it pop the dip stick ?
  24. oz31p

    For sale Remington model 740 30-06

    Wow that’s clean