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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Critique my experience

    I got him for center az, not ready to give up my s az spot just yet!
  2. oz31p

    Flatline Maps / Can't Reach Them

    That sucks for paper they are the best
  3. oz31p

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Cause he’s smarter than you 😎
  4. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

  5. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

  6. oz31p

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    That was my experience on my last 5bs hunt come monday most of the hacks will be gone
  7. There’s been some pretty good deals on labradars lately
  8. Seems like they don’t have any teeth till they’ve been busted a few time s
  9. That’s not till the 5th or 6th offense
  10. oz31p

    Critique my experience

    I’ll send you a pm
  11. oz31p

    Critique my experience

    If you didn’t see a single doe, yes you’re in the wrong area. what part of the state do you live in?
  12. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

  13. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

  14. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

    I tried to look sound on fb but some of those pages are years old
  15. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

  16. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

    Lol positive . I did notice on the way home that the cow about the adult Cabernet sign has arrows stuck in it.
  17. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

    East of star valley
  18. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

    We drove the road a few times. I think it was liked up.
  19. oz31p

    Lost tripod 22s

    I’m not I’ll have my wife post something. We did come across some rock crawlers on the way in
  20. I’m sure she will train up good, for now she’s just cute
  21. oz31p

    2024 Archery Antelope Hunt

    The last archery goat tag I had I hunted 10 days and shot a much smaller buck. good job
  22. oz31p

    Bear Hunting Units

    Well there’s strike 1 and 2 right there 🙃
  23. oz31p

    REM 870 youth stock hogue 12 lop $40

    Why would I do that?