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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Don't laugh but does anyone have....

  2. oz31p

    Dear Arizona Game & Fish,

    Cost me a lion last year
  3. oz31p

    Dear Arizona Game & Fish,

  4. oz31p

    Masterbuilt smoker

    Another Traeger victim
  5. oz31p

    Az 6a archery

    It’s a big unit. If your not funded elk. Check a different area
  6. oz31p

    Alamo algae bloom

    I haven been in months but the last bloom kinda only affected the bouy line to the dam.
  7. oz31p

    Leftover question

    I wish they would change the system to where you put in for the hunts you want.
  8. I think the closure only applied to us regular folks
  9. oz31p

    Don't laugh but does anyone have....

    I’m all for adding a little challenge but your gonna get shot. 😀
  10. oz31p

    Anyone recommend a ranch to hunt Axis deer

    It’s cool, Adam has deep pockets
  11. oz31p

    Heber/Overgaard Poaching Case Article

    Does that mean his guild service has been removed from they’re recommended guilds?
  12. oz31p

    Heber/Overgaard Poaching Case Article

    Oh I heard Az G AND F just has it out for these guys because of a grudge.
  13. For sale cbe tek hybrid 5 pin. .010 I replaced a pin last year and the only color available was red so the first two pins are red.
  14. oz31p

    Interesting story I just found

  15. oz31p

    Popcorn thread

    Are there legal ones?
  16. oz31p

    WTB Street Tacos

    I can’t believe no ones had Baja tacos
  17. oz31p

    Comet Neowise Visible after Sunset

    I fell asleep
  18. oz31p

    Odd Behavior?

    Me too. I’m all talk. And trigger happy Especially with a bow
  19. oz31p

    Odd Behavior?

    Well ya, I figured that was implied 😀
  20. oz31p

    Odd Behavior?

    I’m hoping to find a bull with this type of instincts during this coming archery season
  21. oz31p

    Wanted Quad!

    This is for sale??
  22. oz31p

    WTB Street Tacos

    Baja tacos . 127th ave and Waddell do your self a favor and get at least one shrimp