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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    New pack recommendation?

    An entire quartered mule deer buck in a woodman.
  2. oz31p

    New pack recommendation?

    Ya I guess if you only hunt twice a year keep your Jan sport. duplex and a reckoning. Compacts down to nothing can Carry out what ever. buy used you’ll be way under 600
  3. oz31p

    Usery Archery Range

    These ranges has walking courses. It’s about the best hunting practice you can get. not to be confused with standing in your yard shooting a target and fixed known distances
  4. oz31p

    Antler growth timeline

    It’s just depends . In 35b the weekend before the youth hunt i glassed 14 bucks all hard horned
  5. oz31p

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    Guys don’t feed the trolls.
  6. oz31p

    Which rifle to brake?

    The there is an archery Doe hunt in 11m, well any deer
  7. oz31p

    Where's the Beef? Here! FS

    I really miss that guy. He was talented for sure
  8. oz31p

    Glock 27 .40 cal Camo

    It’s the search function
  9. oz31p

    Glock 27 .40 cal Camo

    Perhaps ....it was only listed 11years age.
  10. oz31p

    Answered. Thx guys

    What you you have In the shotgun dept.? some times my lawn mowers backfires and it sounds like A lot like a 20ga shooting buck shot. 😉
  11. oz31p

    Meat in the heat

    I’ve killed 4 August deer in Central Arizona with temps between 90-100, 2 deep in on backpack hunts. never lost any meat. Kill your deer, pack it out. You’ll be fine.
  12. oz31p

    Meat in the heat

    A bone in hind quarter is the first to go bad. your not going to lose any meat with a 2.5mile/45min hike
  13. oz31p

    Meat in the heat

    Hind quarters first
  14. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    He knows me well enough to know why
  15. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Mbc at best
  16. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Oh he’s processing meat all right!!😊
  17. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    This must be the “semi” part
  18. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Dang . Front street !!
  19. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Thanks for the invite
  20. oz31p

    Usery Archery Range

    Ben averys still humming along
  21. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    We love ya
  22. oz31p

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    That’s a lonely drive. What’s your grinder handle?
  23. oz31p

    Bear Opener

    Oh not me, but it’s there for every one to see forever