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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Army Carbine, Then and Now

    Unmanned soldiers
  2. oz31p

    Vaccine Trial

    Tweek. I guess the meds are working
  3. The Binos will get you by till you can decide if hunting is for you or not. their rifle scopes are crap and fail. Not if but when
  4. oz31p

    Vaccine Trial

    I’m gonna try jw black and sweet vermouth. Just in case the vaccine needs a little tweek
  5. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    No means no!!
  6. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    It was my tag. I did not post it.
  7. oz31p

    Rut Activity

  8. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    I tagged out in 5bs Friday then scouted 7w Saturday and Sunday. There’s we’re going pretty good in the middle of the unit.
  9. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    Sometimes when there”slow” you can get them fired up. When nothing’s happening you got to make shoot happen
  10. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    No. Other units have been on fire
  11. oz31p

    Day 10 Archery Bull

    wholly swords . Nice work
  12. oz31p

    Bull shot... what happened??

    Absolutely nothing but it’s important to remember that gear reviews on the Internet are paid sponsorships. Every time you see a hashtag from a celebrity or a Wanabee celebrity there was a dollar amount behind it
  13. oz31p

    Bull shot... what happened??

    I won’t crucify you. At least you have a rule you stick to
  14. oz31p

    Bull shot... what happened??

    Remi is sponsored by G5. He’s also shilled for wac’ems in the pass. I would never trust a paid Endorsement
  15. oz31p

    Bull shot... what happened??

    I took a similar shot Friday afternoon 30 yards hard quartering to me arrow went in low center forward all but 6inches with a grave digger. The bull went 50 and crashed never left our sight.
  16. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    Ya posted the story in this thread.
  17. oz31p

    Rut Activity

    Called a bull in and killed it this evening in 5bs
  18. oz31p

    Unicorn Bull

    I hope so
  19. oz31p

    Micro Arrows

    I’ll be killing an elk in the next week with Easton axis 5mm FWIW
  20. oz31p

    Best Tripod for the money???

    By time I added up the money I spent on tripods while looking for one that “would do“ I could have bought 3 outdoorsman’s
  21. oz31p

    Backcountry coffee

    It could be.
  22. oz31p

    Backcountry coffee

    SOTO Helix Coffee Maker for 2 People https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HUIWK1W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BYxyFbMNABSRE try to keep up Kev
  23. Nice buck. early season was in January. This is velvet season😉
  24. oz31p

    Backcountry coffee

    My best is a pour over cone with coffee from home.
  25. oz31p

    Best Tripod for the money???

    For the money it’s still the outdoorsman. All the money you spend on every other item for a hunting trip is worthless if you do not have a stable tripod to find animals.