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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. The only thing better that hunting coues is hunting coues with kids NICE WORK!!
  2. oz31p

    Best unit for 2022 with 23 points resident

    Are they noisy? I could use the help stalking
  3. oz31p

    Newbs and non resident dont's

    Don’t Use an AR pistol on a ham hunt 🙄😬🙄😬🙄
  4. oz31p

    A10 Thunderbolt

    I’m sure I’ll draw a sheep tag this year, come help I’ll tell all about it.
  5. oz31p

    A10 Thunderbolt

    I always knew I was gonna make it out on when you here BRRRRRP….BRRRRRP!
  6. oz31p

    A10 Thunderbolt

    Imagine calling in air support and they show up!
  7. oz31p

    Monday Check in

    That actually happend
  8. oz31p

    December Coues Deer Rifle

    I heart both !!
  9. oz31p

    Which one of you done it?

    It’s pronounced lead.
  10. oz31p

    Which one of you done it?

    Out side of the blue range….there all coyotes
  11. oz31p


    You sound like the guys I shoot with….”MISS!” Lol
  12. oz31p

    AR question

    An ar rifle no an ar pistol yes.
  13. oz31p

    Metal Detectors

    He had me at LSD
  14. oz31p

    Cow elk hunt question

    I know right , if folks wanted to be elk hunters they’d bow hunt
  15. oz31p

    LiteFighter1 - Individual Shelter System

    Oh the good old day. pretty bomb proof shelter
  16. oz31p

    Cow elk hunt question

  17. oz31p

    Bino question

    Befarfull with the marsupial bino harness , or any harness with a. Magnet closure smart phone gps and nav apps( google maps, onx ) compass will be affected
  18. oz31p

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    How does that site eliminate form errors?
  19. oz31p

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    Check out Joel turners iron mind. I missed a ton inside 45 for the first few years. I have not missed an arrow on game since 2011. I started bow hunting in 2009. 25+ animals since. Compound and recurve.
  20. oz31p

    Sig Kilo ABS 8000

    Must be pretty ba
  21. oz31p

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    It’s normal to make errors and mess when you’re start now after a while everything just kind of clicks
  22. oz31p

    Feeling a bit discouraged

    Keep at it. Bow hunting is hard. That’s the one thing a social media post will never tell you.
  23. oz31p

    Ord closed

    Hike in, you’ll have the place to your self
  24. oz31p

    2022 Hunting Resolutions

    2012 prices ? id say 2002.