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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    BP Agent Killed in 36B (Peck Canyon)

    Oh they are doing something. Suddenly it to dangerous for people to leave the hwy when out of the city. And we all need to stay in the city. For our own saftey. And they need more money to tell us there is no problems. With the idea of amisty floating around the gates are open and vacancy signs are up. Don't worry the the southern boarder of the united state is the safest it have ever been. Its on par with every other aspect of this goverment. I believe the goverment it broken beyond repair.
  2. oz31p

    22 North, 22 yds.!

    Lookin good. And it came with a built in stand.
  3. oz31p

    140 Inches of Coues Bone!!!

    The view in the first picture is amazing. I would sit that draw allday. And the "find a buck" pic......ill have to take your word for it that's there's a deer in the pic. Looks a good hunt congrats.
  4. oz31p

    track id

    i found this track about 1.5 mile from the nearest road. it entered a wash went up to a spring drank some water and turned around and left the way he came in. i think its k9 but its twice as big as a coyote. its about 4inx4ins.
  5. oz31p

    Sworo 8x30 - $300

  6. oz31p

    Ideal camo

    I like open country. The manufactuer is not coming to me at the moment.
  7. oz31p

    Check Out This Monster

    I've always sayed that I'm only scare or two things....rattlesnakes and aliens.
  8. oz31p

    9 mule deer poached

    I hope the chile farmer finds them before the law does.
  9. oz31p

    track id

    You think caring for puppys and coues hunting doesn't mix try smoking and coues hunting.lol
  10. oz31p

    22 North, 22 yds.!

    Class act all the way around. I've never seen a bull with a hide that dark but mabey it just the lighting I'm the photo. Did you finish the euro?? Let see some pics
  11. oz31p

    Sierra Vista area

    i would if I was still living down there. I had the best luck around the whetstones and a between gleson and tombstone. I found those areas to have the least accese issues also.
  12. oz31p

    Who's Headed Out?

    Nothin for me I hiked 3.5 mile and I saw no sign exept 5 tracks near a spring. I did find an extremly large k9 track I'm sill not sure what made it. I did find some elk sign in an area there elk have no business. It was more of a scouting trip than a hunting trip as I've never been in this area.
  13. oz31p

    Who's Headed Out?

    Change of plans. All packed up and I'm heading north in the morning
  14. oz31p

    Who's Headed Out?

    I won't be out till Saturday. Ill be hunting a area where cwt and mulies habitat overlap. Just lookin for any thing biger that a spike.
  15. oz31p

    AR 15s

    armalite colt stag dpms sun devil. I would not look any farther than these 5.
  16. oz31p

    Muley Success

    Nice job. Doubles are fun. Espetialy after the the high fives when you realize your plan of one person helping the other haul the deer out is not going to work.lol 2009 me and a buddy knocked down 2 mulies within a minute of each other.
  17. oz31p

    Wolves moving West

    You can tell lark is worked up when he starts using proper grammer. Lol How does an animal escape an area that has no fences.
  18. oz31p

    Wolves moving West

    That's good cause before long the mexican gray wolfs will be the only animal in the state with populations high enough to sustain hunting. But the fed will never allow it.
  19. if the brass is from this 270 as stated earler neck size only. I have found it to be a more consistent final product its easer to do and the brass will ladt much longer. I have some 300wm brass that is on its 9 loading.
  20. oz31p

    Coues deer life span

    As long as it takes for me to find him
  21. oz31p

    Wolves moving West

    Yep next time I'm in the area ill bring tissues
  22. oz31p

    Wolves moving West

    I had a wolf hippie tell me a month ago that there was only 47 left in the state. I argued with him a bit but I think he was to stoned to understand what I was saying. I've seen two in 27 on last years turkey hunt. Close enought to sancarlos to asume they have infested the res as well.
  23. oz31p

    Gold Tip Warriors

    Sound like some kinda french warrior.lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who misses. I normaly drill the killl zone or miss the target. If your not first your last.
  24. And on that note ill will begin hunting harder when its windy. Nice buck. what's the spread from main beam to main beam?
  25. I drew a ham hunt for javelina this spring. I will have bow in hand but my dad is not a bowhunter and is most likely worst with a hand gun so I have borrowed a knight inline muzzle loader. I just picked up some 250g power belts a box of triple 7 50/50 some 209s and tc foaming cleaner. Ill need to teach my self then teach my dad. Any pointers or tip as far as loading/reloadiing. Mantnaince and shooting would be helpful