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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    vortex upgrade.

    Well after a blunderfull archery season. I did a little retail therapy this morning. openning day I found my well scouted spring caved it on its self and dry I dug it out and glassed a mt lion that I lost in a thicket. Round two I sat dark till dark and saw 2squirrils. Round 3 I sat all day only to find that the spring was dry. (Its hard to see the accual water from the blind.) I I found a set of 10x42viper hd. On cl NIB. For a smokin deal. I was upgraded from 10x42viper. The differance is great. Much clearer and crisp. Plus it give me the opportunity to put my partener into a great set of bino for a heck of a bargin.
  2. I quit hunting dove cause I could not find a good reciepe.
  3. oz31p

    Bear attacking camera

    i had a momma and cubs messing with mine last year.
  4. lol last time i saw a buck person was last years rifle season. but im going out again tomorrow and finally a solid 7day with no rain where my blind is set.
  5. oz31p

    brush gaurd off an 03 chevy

    Its gone. Sorry.
  6. It looked nice on a buddys truck. But if I put it on mine ot won't fit in my garage. Not looking for much for it. So make an offer and its all yours. I have the hard ware and brackets.
  7. with season fast approaching ive been trying to control all variables i can. one of the last is scent control. ill be in a pop up blind. in the past ive washed my clothing in detergent for wild life research. i [plan on doing more this year. what products do you guys use,
  8. oz31p

    bear help please

    i love your name. or some where some one is training there dogs. 3years ago i was in 27 hunting turkeys i met a father and son bear hunting. i then met a fella training his dogs. i then introduced them. they both filled there tags. the area we were in i heard dogs baying all day light hours.
  9. oz31p

    Whats In A Name

    My last name is hard for some to say.. oz a short cut. When I was in the army I was a 31p.
  10. looks like some of my old haunts can be hunted again. My link
  11. the way i read it it only applied around phx metro.
  12. oz31p

    Fall turkey HELP/UPDATED W Story

    for starters your lady sounds like a keeper try not to screw up and lose her. as for turkeys, ive drawn 2 turkeys tags in my life. one in 22 and one in 27. both were fall hunts and both were successful hunts. i was unfamiliar with both units when i drew the tags. in my opinion the key to fall turkeys more so than other game is successful scouting. once youcan find an active turkey area your golden. they are quite nomadic but with in there fairly small home range. and pattern you shogun with multiple loads. i shoot a mossburg 835 w/ a federal 3 1/2in mag with copper plated number 4 shot w/ flight control wad. in my gun they patterned 20" at 80yard with an ulta full turkeys choke. both bird were taken with one shot right at 50. both hunts my dad did not pattern his gun for a load. and ended up using my gun to fill his tag later in the hunt because after opening day i did not need it. ive never hunted any thing in 6b. but im sure here are turkeys in there.
  13. oz31p

    fur friendly load

    vmaxs will in fact fly great but they will blow the heck out of what ever you hit.
  14. After another 13hr in the blind yesterday. I'm going to say no, I can not.
  15. oz31p

    Pop up trailor for sale $850

    is there a sink or stove. where are you located.
  16. oz31p

    dark grey dodge williams field and recker

    i saw him today on the 10/17 interchange/
  17. oz31p


    The wall of the wash that the spring I'm set up on caved in and filled my spring . I dug it out and it began to fill up so I left for it to fill and become normal again for the local deer. I tryed a little spot and stalk way to damm hot. But I watched a mountain lion for 10 mins. At 900y I was waiting to see if he would bed so I could but a stalk on hom but I lost him Hot and disapointed and on my way home. But ill be back in a few days
  18. oz31p

    Almost GO time

    ill be doing day trips but heading out early friday.
  19. oz31p

    Are these bragging hunting forums?

    I startedhunting Arizona in 2002. I have harvested 4 deer and 2 elk.I dont think I have anyroom to brag. i would brag about that. thats a 44%success rate....higher than any other predator
  20. oz31p

    Early hunt dilemma

    slow growth dont bother me one bit. ill be hunting at my earliest convenience. i will also take the first ethical shot on the first legal buck i see. what does concern me is the forecast calling for rain most of this week and weekend.
  21. oz31p


    I had a eberlystock j104 with the built in scabard....I did not like the way it fit me. So I got a cabelas alaskan guild frame pack. I strap a day pack with a eberlystock scapard. I love this set up. I can change and reconfigure it any way I like. And still haul meat.
  22. oz31p

    White Tail Hunting shows

    Last week I watched tred hunt cotton tail on public land in new mexico with a primitive bow and wooden arrows he made.
  23. oz31p

    Santana Outdoors $200 "Winners Posted!"

    i reviewed the stealth cam ir540, the pse bow madness xs and the eblerlystock scabbard.
  24. oz31p

    White Tail Hunting shows

    i just net flixed the whole season of the best and worst of tred barta. i enjoy his show. there are a few others that arent the same old same old.
  25. oz31p

    white tacoma on 101 and 43rd ave.

    Lol. It was funny to watch your face change from a wtf face to a smile.