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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Rylees First Deer

    Very cool. I too got a chance to use the triclops successfuly this week end. My daughter is only 3 but she lights up when we talk about hunting.
  2. Congratulations. The only holding out I would have done would be holding out for a clear shot.
  3. oz31p

    Unit 21cwt21 down

    I added a few pictures I have a few more but I'm busy processing my deer and boiling the skull.
  4. oz31p

    Deer 1-Hunter 0- So Far

    Keep at it. Its easy the get discouraged. I've found that in the super thick country its best to get as high as possible so you can glass down into the beds and it gives a view over bushes that at eye level block your view. Good luck.
  5. oz31p

    Unit 21cwt21 down

    No I'm back the deer is on ice head skinned and I'm enjoying a cold miller hight life. I'm having a hard time uploading photos so it may have to wait till I get home. It was a 420yhard shot to the neck. And a 1.4mile pack out.
  6. I got this rifle with a muzzy barrel. But the 300wm barrel just arrived Friday 300wm prohunter heavy fluted Leupold mk4 lr/t 4.5x14 Gamereaper mounts 180g nosler accubond. I'm heading out this weekend to site in and work on my newe cheat sheet.
  7. oz31p

    my new encore

    Every thing has turned out perfect. I'm shooting an 180 nosler ab. I'm out on a whitetail hunt as we speak. Nothing but does sofar
  8. oz31p

    Rangefinder necessary?

    How good can you guess yardages?
  9. oz31p

    Is it Friday Yet?!

    Ill be in 21the too and I doubt I get much done this weeks.weeks
  10. There is normayl a wide variant of speeds depending on where the Bulets pass thru. I can get my 300wm from 2800 to 3200. Just a matter of where you aim thru the bows
  11. oz31p

    Hulls For Healing

    Cabelas has them on hand
  12. It never hurts to got deeped. But luck playes a huge part. Last year I. Scouted my tail off. During the hunt I hiked my tail off. On the third day my buddy wanted to stay close to the access road, at sun up a 100in plus buck stood from his bed 80y from us. He caught me in a flusted mess and I never got off a shot. He got a shot but it was a clean miss.
  13. oz31p

    I found this shed at a yard sale

  14. oz31p

    vortex 15x50 teipod adapter???

    pro master has one that works. foto forum has them at 7th st and camelback.
  15. I'm selling my vortex nomad spotting scope with a vortex digiscope adapter. The scope has an angled eye piece and is 20-60. I'm selling due to lack of use. I pulled it from the pack a few times while scouting last year. then I when a few trips without taking it out of my pack. Then I was on the rifle hunt and it stayed in the camper the whole 6days. Its better with some who would use it than collecting dust in my closet. i purchased both new in April 2010 $300 623 698 2356 call or text or reply
  16. 21 had been kicking my butt the last few seasons too.
  17. oz31p

    What kind of skull is this?

    skull i found here a skull i found in 3b .
  18. oz31p

    I ain' t a violent person but......

    this guys unique creativity bothers you enough to act out violently??
  19. oz31p

    Dumb Newbie Scope Question

    you are supposed to do what ever is comfortable and ensures you hit your target.