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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. You got off at rural and when south
  2. oz31p

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    Id guess a mad house. With lots of prices and very little goods. But thats all gun shows in the last few years
  3. oz31p

    Javelina Calls

    Ive had success with the j 13 from all predator calls http://www.allpredatorcalls.com/products/JavelinaHunter.com-J13-Javelina-Call.html Ive been using is for about 5 years. It always make them run its just a matter of what direction. Id say when they bust because of sound its about 75%a when they bust cause of somethibg they see mabee 50% but if they bust after winding you 0%.
  4. oz31p

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    Then shes back peddling because this a quote and her current statment. “I am not a proponent of gun control".
  5. oz31p

    Monster dead head

    Id guess close to 150. And id say its a mule deer.
  6. oz31p

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    I'm pretty certain that once this craziness passes you won't be able to buy them new any longer and prices will be higher than ever. Just my opinion. Even Jan Brewer is talking Gun Control. http://m.yumasun.com/news/brewer-84430-gun-governor.html Where is jan brewer "talking gun control"
  7. oz31p

    WTB A Pistol for the Little Lady

    Word for word what I would have to say on this subject. I own a smtih and wesson 642 hammerless .38 special. Lots of power with +P hydra shoks and very easy to conceal. I carry mine everywhere, and they are mindless to fire. Best part about them is the lack of maintence they need. no reason to take ammo out of mags and rotate mags so the springs do not weaken. They go bang everytime and if not just pull the trigger again and the next bullet will be in position anyway. ( would only need this if first round was a dud.) Oh yeah did I mention they are idiot proof to shoot. No matter how scared she may be at the time she would have to use it, there are no buttons or safeties to manipulate, just a trigger. What they said, but adding take her with and get her input. Shoot some all the usual things. ditto i carry s&w 340sc. im in search of a det. special for her.
  8. oz31p

    Can't fina an AR-15 anywhere.

    Saturday cabelas had a few used one. I did not see the price. The way thing are over inflated right now i would wait till the crasyness passes. But even then prices will be up from all the bozos that bought$600 ar s for $2000a that want to get there money back.
  9. Id say a whole bunch. Congratulations
  10. oz31p

    11M Archery Javelina

    He looks lost.
  11. oz31p

    Ron's Big Dec Buck!

    Thats a goodlookin buck. Ive never seen any hills that big in unit 7. But ive also never seen a buck that big in 7unit so mabee ive been lookin in the wrong places altogether. Either way congrats to the hunter.
  12. oz31p

    Cabella's Meat Grinder

    http://www.cabelas.com/food-grinders-cabelas-pro-grinder.shtml i have this one its the pro 450. Its the smallest all medal one the make. Ive had it for about a year. Ive done a few elk and several deer.. its alittle loud but i cant feed it fast enough. Ive even ground frozen steaks. It never even slowed it down. Plus its a sausage makin sob.
  13. oz31p

    Cabelas employee pricing

    Ill know later tonight as i plan on ordering a set of there custom seat cover for a new truck i just got.
  14. oz31p

    What did I do wrong?

    There is definitely a learning curves. But it seems every time i check my cameras i find and correct a technique mistake. Every time the pictures get better and better.
  15. oz31p

    wtb tripod head

    You have good taste.
  16. oz31p

    first archery deer

    Congratulations. I know next time i see a ton of moo cow tracks at a tank ill think twice before assuming they have run off the deer.
  17. oz31p

    Bought my Two Javelina tags today

    20c archery and 20c ham for me.
  18. oz31p

    ***SPF*** Marlin 1895ss in 45-70 ***SPF***

    Honestly im surprised it lasted as long as it did.
  19. oz31p

    Does Anyone Use Mule Deer Scents? Results?

    Welcome.. Ive heard that wildlife research's 4x4 mule deer scent works well but ive never tryed it.
  20. oz31p

    My First Bull

    Congratulations. You and jason scout hard and hunt harder. You both earned your bulls. 2 for 2the on these late hunts is normaly unheard of but with you two as the tag holders i figured it was an inevitability. Ps that pack looks great with .
  21. oz31p

    Looking to buy new bow

    Im currently shooting a pse bowmaddness xs if i was going to replace it id buy the pse dna or a bowtech cxp insanity.
  22. oz31p

    Tips for a beginner?

    I hate to refer any one away from cwt.com but http://www.javelinahunter.com/ is a wealth of javelina info.
  23. oz31p

    Last Day Bull

    No chastising from me either. But i will tell you congratulations.