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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. It was a good time. I wish we'd get one more cold snap so we could try one more time.
  2. Called this coyote on the second stand a about the 3 min mark.
  3. oz31p

    3B bull tag

    Any elk tag is a prize. And every unit that offers bull tags hold huge bulls. Some units are well know for producing big bull but all units have big bulls. Get to know the area . After the rut find where the bulls went. During your hunt, hunt hard. Every thing else is shot placement.
  4. oz31p

    Draw Results Out

    23 late rifle bull for me and19a early cow for my wife
  5. oz31p

    Stray Cats

    In my old neighborhood id trap them in my back yard with a cage trap and release them about a mile way behind a supermarket where there was alreasy a huge stray catcommunity.
  6. oz31p

    Patagonia lake

    Use the bigest live bluegill/green sun fish you can find. In water no deeper than 20ft(i prefer10). I alway had the best flathead luck on the coves on the north side near the dam and the south shore on the dam side. Id just tie off and cast out parallel to the short mabee 20fti out. Id gets some flatheads on the east end but mostly channels and lots of them. I miss livin down there.
  7. oz31p

    Bowfishing tournaments

    The boat i was using last year is no longer available. Any body have an open spot??
  8. oz31p

    Lil' Help or advice... Looking for a 20' Conex box

    You beat me too it. Ritchy bros would be my best advice.
  9. oz31p

    Bowfishing tournaments

    Thats what im talkin about. I had a blast last year.
  10. I meant to stop by your guys table But I never got around to it very easily sidetracked That was my first banquet Thankfully a membermy gave me tickets at the last minute And I did in fact win a Weatherby 7 millimeter Remington Magnum and a ladder toss yard game.
  11. oz31p

    Can you believe this!!! (B of A error)

    I use an online bank. The best customer service in the business. Either online line or on the phone. Id carry all my money in my wallet before i used b or a .
  12. oz31p

    ATV Engine Size Question

    I have a arctic cat 400. Its been perfect so far. I rarely use 4wd. But when i do its cause id be stuck way out in the boonies with out it.
  13. oz31p

    Taking my AR for a walk

    Its better to let it breath than locked away in a dark dry place.
  14. She had fun. The first stand got alittle windy so she was a little cold. But shes only 4 but she loves to hunt.
  15. oz31p

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    Sounds like the 8ply dirt tamers and 2gals of slime i got last fall are going to have to last a while.
  16. oz31p

    Polaris Flat Proof tires

    Looks kinda like a flexport tire off a skidsteer.
  17. oz31p

    lion recipe?

    Ive never had it but when ever i cook wild game for the first time i pan fry a small piece with salt and pepper. Just to get a taste for it so i can gauge what type of seasonings will go go with it.
  18. oz31p

    Leupold VXII 2x7x33 Rifle Scope

    Did this scope/ mounts come off an ar??
  19. When i was still doing inhome service work. I had a man show me a euro coues mount with canines. So i guess anything is the possible
  20. oz31p

    Can't make up my mind

    I have a leupold mk4 4.5x14x40 w/30mm tube. It has what they call an extra fine reticle. I love it. Brunos shooting supplys has the best price youll ever find on leupold scopes. I got mine for about30% less than cabelas wanted.
  21. oz31p

    Fellowship of Christian Hunters

    Count me in.