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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Can you hunt Javelina with a spear??

    I will be writing an email when the address becomes available
  2. oz31p

    AZ Antelope Hunt (VIDEO)

    Looked like a good hunt to me. I always get exited when I see you've posted a new video so I gather my daughters and we watch them together.
  3. oz31p


    I go with the pst. If it were me I would work the turrets of us a mildot retical but not both.
  4. oz31p

    Another toad hits the dirt

    i dont know who this guys it but i like him already. this tread is not about people that are jealous of a guy killing a big buck or even what side of the fence he was shot on. Or the legality of the harvest. Its the fact that the deer was tame and hand feed for much of his life. id rather see people road hunt...atleast those deer are wild.
  5. For deer I don't cut any thing in with it. As far as casing I have had good luck with the ones that come with the cabelas seasoning kits. I alwasys soak them over night. As for cuts the last deer I killed I saved the back straps but the rest got ground into Italian sausage. Javelina I'll mix 50/50 with pork only because they are small animals and it almost not worth the time to set every time up for just one straight javelina. There are tons of YouTube videos to help with the process. One id like to try showed a guy fill the entire case then go back and twist them into links. Looks a lot Easyer that linking them as you go.
  6. oz31p

    Bulls and Bugles

    I like it when they hide I'm plain sight
  7. oz31p

    FOR SALE: Minox BD 15x58 ED BR

    I've been happy with mine. I was amazed how may more deer I found when I switched from 10x42 viper HD on a tripod to these on a tripod.
  8. oz31p

    Aluminum or steel rings?

    Dnz mounts.the only true one piece mount
  9. I think he has a coues tag.
  10. oz31p

    white duramax at cabelas

    No racing stickers but bit was the 15incher centered on the bottom of the rear window.
  11. oz31p

    22 ft. Fifth wheel trailer - SOLD

    Anytime. I was new once too.
  12. oz31p

    white duramax at cabelas

    I'm not sure how I could have missed a missing tailgate but I'm not sure. Lol it was 4 door 4wd. Short bed.
  13. oz31p

    22 ft. Fifth wheel trailer - SOLD

    Near the bottom of the original message there's a "edit" box. Its small and grayed out.
  14. In all seriousness if it were my tag id hit peppersause like a freight train.
  15. oz31p

    30A Any rain?

    If you download the weather channel app to a smart phone you can look at the radar any where you wish.
  16. oz31p

    Velvety deer for 2013

    Nice work
  17. oz31p

    Team Elk pack

    I'm looking forward to seeing how it handle a 1/4 of elk
  18. oz31p

    Team Elk pack

    I have one. I've only taken it out for 3 trips but sofar I'd say its perfect.
  19. my trusty spot was a bust also I'm not sure if it was the standing water or all the mosquitoes but it was kind of a rough morning it was so slow and quiet my buddy had a four by four mule deer walk to it then 30 yards of him of course unit 42 is closed during archery season
  20. oz31p


    Nice to meet you sorry I could not stay and bs longer
  21. oz31p

    wtb quad tires

    http://www.dealerstiresupplyinc.com the best prices anywhere. Call them for the best prices
  22. oz31p


    I sent you APM about the scope is it still for sale?
  23. oz31p

    This Friday!!

    Normally I take the opener off. This year I didn't. Its 438a and I regret it already.
  24. oz31p

    Big buck contest, scoring on a curve...

    Why include people who don't hunt coues?