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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Pic's of Some Fish...

    Its been fun watching. This is the first yearshe has been able to bait her hook, cast, bring in her fish and remove the hook all her self. She has tagged along on a few dove, deer and coyote hunts. She is also a competitive Archer and she is only 7. We are spending to night at Bartlett again. This weekend. Hoping for some more flatheads
  2. oz31p

    Pic's of Some Fish...

    I haven't caught much but I dam good at driving to the lake. My oldest has been hammering them Flathead at Bartlett Bass at Bartlett Walleye at soldiers annex lake Stocker from pioneer park
  3. oz31p

    Unit 21

    shhhhhh... I woke up late at a Oct bear camp off cherry road to see a bachelor heard feeding about 100y from camp. I could hear cars going down 17
  4. oz31p

    Unit 21

    I normally hunt coues in 21 but if I had a mule deer tag I'd do the same as you.
  5. oz31p

    Unit 21

    yes. I think the area of pine mountain accessible from bloody basin is better mule deer country than the area of pine mountain off dugas. That said there are some great horse areas with good mule deer no where near pine mountain.
  6. oz31p

    Unit 21

    Dugas road is not the only way to pine mountain. Plus I would not target mule deer in pine mountain
  7. oz31p

    outdoorsmans pack hip belt pouches?

    You might call the outdoorsman. I bet they could make a good recommendation
  8. For sale, eberlestock RMEF team elk pack in open hide timber vail. Will haul an elk hind quarter plus several day worth of gear. Has a small hole from the frame rubbing on the inside of the frame sleeve, doesn't affect the function and it's located in an area that is not load bearing.
  9. oz31p

    eberlestock RMEF team elk pack $230

    Price drop 200.
  10. oz31p

    Unit 21

    If you are crazy or have horses you'll have a chance at a giant bull.
  11. oz31p

    Not your Honey Holes ;)

    it's not like your first post was asking for where to start in a unit you're never been to cause you don't have time to scout and your only asking for info about spots with b&c animals. It's a buffalo tag. If I have a honey hole up there I'd give it to you. For what it's worth I've seen a few in 26m.
  12. oz31p

    Unit 21

    I disagree. The the cave creek complex fire was one of the best thing to happen to 21. There are some great burned areas that are awesome now. Also it permanently shut down a lot of roads creating some exptional backcountry that is overlooked by most cause you cant drive up and Glass from the road.
  13. oz31p

    Hunt from horse back

    There are huge wilderness areas in 21 that are perfect for horses. Plus there extremely large roadless areas only accessible horseback.
  14. oz31p

    Leica range finder 1000

    That's messed up
  15. oz31p

    grazing leases

    Which wilderness?
  16. oz31p

    Biting the bullet

    Just out of curiosity, how far were the Javi you were glassing? During the general hunt last year I glassed a heard for javelina at mile with my 12x50els
  17. lol. It's my hand. Me and this bear have a history. I missed a few shots at Him in April. That tank have 2boar and a sow with cubs hitting it
  18. oz31p

    eberlestock RMEF team elk pack $230

    Price drop 215.
  19. I found this one last weekend
  20. oz31p

    New Bowtech

    Oh my. And in kryptok. My rpm360 suddenly looks inadequate
  21. oz31p

    Hydro dip field testing

    It about the same as wood. but because of the camo dip the scratches are less noticeable