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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    unit 32

    I ran out of fingers but I'm pretty sure that's more coues Bucks than I've seen in my whole life.
  2. oz31p

    NM Mulie

  3. oz31p

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    In 21 at i17 and 303 I've seen pictures of elk watering at Roosevelt
  4. oz31p

    rut timing

    I just spent 3 days in 7e. I heard one bulge at dusk at about 10k
  5. oz31p

    First backpack hunt?

    I wouldn't let the weather dictate where I go. I go where the game is. If that's cholla flats or alpine basins they just require different gear. Some good areas were already suggested. You just have to know what your getting into before hand.
  6. oz31p

    First backpack hunt?

    I suggest you find an area of "high desert" with poor road access and enough deer to keep you busy for a few days. Lol
  7. oz31p

    First backpack hunt?

    If I were you I would try a first backpack hunt during nice weather. Your libel to get some very serious very cold weather in pine mt in jan. and consider a floorless shelter with a stove. Personally I don't think any bears in 21 hibernate. The top of pine mt is think but most of the drainages are very glass able.
  8. oz31p


    No sticker but I know your truck around 4 pm on the 101 and the 51
  9. oz31p

    164 7/8" Coues

    Wow he looks expensive.
  10. oz31p

    Hunting within city limits?

    I have done a ton of research and spoke with quite a few people. The area in question actually falls under Unit 26M. I spoke with a clerk at the Mesa office who said I can NOT hunt within city limits. Then I spoke with a customer service person at the Main office and was told I can NOT hunt within city limits unless I am on a county island. I then explained to her that doesn't make sense, as I am NOT within city limits if I am in a county island. She said good point and transferred me to a game warden. He was super friendly and went over the whole thing with me and said YES, I can hunt within city limits. That being said, I called an attorney who specializes in hunting law and she was wiling to spend some time on the phone. I explained that my concern was that ARS 13-3107 seems to say I can hunt in areas that G&F says are ok, but it also is worded to say that a City can revoke that based on the part that discusses the 1/4 mile rule. She agreed with me saying that is correct, they can say in the City ordinance that you have to be further than 1/4 mile making so that you can't hunt. Looking at the City code, it seems to say that I CAN hunt, but only on land that is zoned "Special Rural". I tried looking at a zoning map and don't see anything designated that way, so I put a call into the zoning commission to see if they can elaborate. Basically anywhere outside of 25m (inside 26m ) 1/4 from an oppupiced structure(assuming all structures are occupied ) you can hunt dove and quail during a legal season shot gun shooting shot within city limits on public land.
  11. oz31p

    Brand new hunter

    Oh no. I was smart enough to join the army.lol
  12. oz31p

    Hunting within city limits?

    http://azgfdportal.devaz.gov/PortalImages/files/hunting/dove/2013_25m_map_dove.pdf This is all you need to know
  13. oz31p


    Thompson center 300 win mag 4-14x40 Leupold lr/t
  14. oz31p

    Hunting within city limits?

    Maybe but the surprise pd starts the conversation with an ar15 pointed at me and my 6year old daughter The disappointing part was they had no idea about the law. Even the tho 2 of the 6 officers claimed to be hunter
  15. oz31p

    Hunting within city limits?

    Bring literature from the state explaining the exception local police departments do not know and will come. last year I had to show arriving officers the rules on my phone. Expect to see down the barrel of an ar15
  16. oz31p

    Good Guy Buyer List

    You can add bigwave to the list
  17. oz31p

    Backpack coues hunting

    I do. Not just FOR coues but any hunt it's feasible.
  18. oz31p

    15x56 HD or 12x50 EL

    I don't think you could go wrong. It's a matter of how and how much you hunt. If your always chasin the latest and greatest it will seem the grass is alway greener on the other side. I hunt ever season. I love my 12els they see every thing better that hd TV. And they allow me to only Carry one optic.
  19. oz31p

    Species ID please?

    I'd say a juvenile Arizona black rattlesnake
  20. oz31p

    Bullets that just won't shoot well?

    My advice would be to start with a powder charge below the max charge.
  21. oz31p

    Bullets that just won't shoot well?

    Are you saying your loaded a 142 g bullet with the same powder charge as a 130g bullet?
  22. oz31p

    Freeze dried horns?

    Any legitimate taxidermist. But I recommend artificial velvet
  23. oz31p

    Still trying to locate Bulls for my first Elk Hunt in 6A:(

    Ive seen them in 5b
  24. I hunted quail a lot when I was stationed down there I had better luck between tombstone and Gleason on Gleason rd
  25. oz31p

    For the AR guys... ISO parts!!!

    Have you checked cactus tactical?