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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. http://www.4-dproducts.com/ Rent
  2. I had some friends in he peaks and it was quite.
  3. oz31p

    Boiling heads

    it pulls the oils out. Also adding baking soda to the simmer will case any meat/connecting tissue to gel that practically falls off
  4. Over the last few years I've seen a few near long lake. Fathers days weekend I had one cross the road out In front of us. It made perfect tracks in the soft road dust. They were about the size of my hand.
  5. oz31p

    spring draw ?

    they definitely still send out the confirmation emails.
  6. oz31p

    Unit 23: Dem Birds are Tricky

    That's not even close to the funniest thing that kid has ever said. I swear that kid is 13going on 35
  7. oz31p

    please delete

    Do you have any ammo for the carcano. I've always wanted one with a 4x scope on it
  8. oz31p

    Cow hunt Peaks Unit

    That's not necessarily the case in the peaks. The peaks are a whole diferant animal.
  9. oz31p

    Steel gongs

    Rock quarry/ crushing operations always have used/ discarded conveyor belt I've had cutting edge supply on 27th and McDowell cut them for me for free out of scrap ar500
  10. Man i get back from glassing bulls and this dude got hammered. AZBULLELKMAN, best advice anyone can give you is don't post anything on here. The CW trolls have destroyed this once very good website and forum. And they have nothing better else to do but piss and moan and belittle anyone and everyone they can. There are TONS of awesome people on here. And you can meet some really good friends and hunting buddies. Get their number and see if some respectable people can help you. The same 6 to 8 minions seem to hijack and talk so much crap on here and everyones threads. Save your self the headache. I advocated for a Cwt membership interview process years ago and all you people laughed at me.
  11. oz31p

    anyone else have problems in 6a?

    Simply out of curiosity what business of it is yours? Don't remember the OP asking for others opinions on his shot distance. Some of you really remind me of women that got nothing better to do than to have diarrhea of the mouth. And what business is it of your? Aren't you doing the exact same thing? You should all be more like Tim.
  12. oz31p

    4 weeks from today

    Your in good company
  13. oz31p

    A few coues pics

    I would the top one somewhere near a bunch
  14. oz31p

    Breaking a new one in?

    I would follow the manufacturer recommendations
  15. oz31p

    Yogi Berra RIP

    "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded" Had always been my favorite
  16. oz31p

    End of the line meat processing

    Payson seems like a great location but as of now I don't know of any one. The gentleman in young does great work
  17. oz31p

    End of the line meat processing

    This time of year last year there was a message on that number saying they were shut down
  18. oz31p

    Coues Deer Activity Unit 22

    I was gonna mention this but I thought it was implied
  19. oz31p

    Coues Deer Activity Unit 22

    Coues deer are hard to find. The area I hunt coues deer in central Az if I find 2 bucks in 6 days I'm happy
  20. oz31p

    Question About the Pack

    Most packs have little to no lift from the load lifters. Without load lifters you'll never get the weight off your shoulders. I carry 50lbs bag of dog food thru thunderbird mt 2-3 times a week with no shoulder issues in my Kifaru bikini
  21. The regular mr buddy heater has a battery power fan. Makes it alittle more efficient
  22. oz31p

    Wts winchester modle 70 300wsm

    do you by chance drive a white Cherokee??
  23. oz31p


    I have the outdoorsmans med compact with their micro pan head. It's rock solid. It's total weight is 2lbs11oz. It's bomb proof and if any thing ever did break every single piece is easily replaceable
  24. oz31p

    Camera Etiquitte

    I'm stealing this😀