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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Tactic advice

    I would I don't like calls or decoys because eventually you give away your position. Once you make a call and they don't see a Deer they normally wonder off
  2. The answer will away be Swarovski's. Some people will tell you that they "can't see the difference" they are lieing to them selves.
  3. oz31p

    Tactic advice

    I would advance toward him bouncing from juniper to juniper until your in bow range but take your time. If he beds sit for a while. Once he starts to mill around be up but let him walk into your lane. Then kill him. Just be cause a plan didn't work once doesn't mean you can do it again. There's a look of tumblers to fall into place. Most times a good stalk is ruined due to something outside of your control. Keep at it. Consider a partner with a radio and you with an ear piece. This way he can keep you updated on what he's doing or if they are milling Ina diferant direction.
  4. oz31p

    a place in np to shoot?

    The walking hill course at Ben Avery is your best bet
  5. oz31p

    a place in np to shoot?

    What are you shooting??
  6. oz31p

    Attention....New Long Rangers...

    Who did you mouth off to this time??
  7. oz31p

    Recognize this Yavapai County bull?

    He's new to me. But how did you get him to pose like that?
  8. oz31p


    It's also good for bbqing or smoking fish. Especially white fish( trout, strippers)
  9. oz31p

    Night Force SHV & Burris XTR II Scopes

    I just sited in my new hd5. I'm pretty impressed. With the zero stop you get 16.5 Moa. That should be enough adjustment for 750 in my 280 Rem which is plent far. My buddy has the shv with the 56mm obj. On that rifle extra high rings were required making uncomfortable to get a good cheek weld
  10. oz31p

    24a thieves!

    How long was it set up out there?
  11. oz31p

    heart broken

    I've never tried it that way. I've alway waxed the recoil lug and the entire action that touches the bedding compound. I always figured the space the tape takes up would leave a gap.
  12. oz31p

    heart broken

    Did you tape he recoil lug or wax it?
  13. oz31p

    tags or refund yet?

    We got out tags today
  14. oz31p

    Kifaru Backpacks SOLD. PLEASE DELETE

    Tempting but I think my next pack will be a Tahr. Youll like the nomad
  15. Could some one with hornadays Manual post or text me a picture of some load data? I'm looking for data for a 280 Remington with r22 and a 162g sst
  16. oz31p

    Kuiu Ultra Merino or Peloton?

    I prefer the merino. Pelton is just fancy talk for 100% polyester.
  17. oz31p

    Family camping tent??

    Why not an outfitter type?
  18. oz31p

    Unit 10 Bulls tags to decrease next year

    Looks like a lot of units had their tags reduced
  19. oz31p


    Thanks bro me too!! These go for $550 plus tax new and a lot better then there axis model! I'd grab it for the same reason you did but I just got too many irons in the fire
  20. oz31p


    I can't believe this is still avalible
  21. all right pal times up. Let's see him
  22. oz31p

    44BN Hunt

    Sounds fun. Keep us posted. If you need help, just ask.... There's a few of is on the west side. It would not take long to get there
  23. oz31p

    Slick trick noise

    On that note I can say that when They hit the rocks above/behind/below your target they sound about the same as any other bh