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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Anyone do video enhancing?

    Then every cop drama has lied to me
  2. oz31p

    Anyone do video enhancing?

    The police that ability
  3. oz31p

    Returned tags?

    You could always return your tag. You just lose your points
  4. I would use a dnz game reaper on every model of rifle they make one for. It's solid light weight and truly one piece
  5. Does it shoot good now? It will shoot diferant after you flute it. Not better or worst just diferant. So if you have a good load with a good shooting rifle, leave it be. Your likely not notice the weight savings any way
  6. oz31p

    what unit?

    That's a common belief states wide. In my opinion 1/2 it's rose colored glasses. People remember their glory days fondly. The other half is the drought. They have started in the right direction in 18b. They combine both general hunts and reduced the tags but the youth hunt is still last.
  7. Glass one buck Stalk that buck Kill that buck. A soggy unit doesn't change any thing
  8. oz31p

    Have you seen this big boy

    I think a lions gonna sneak up in this full curl blind spot
  9. oz31p

    what unit?

    Yes we are talking about 20c. If your not seeing deer your doing something wrong. you drew 30 consecutive tags and now your bitter about 50 youth rut tags?? To say1/2 the unit is blocked off is an exaggeration. If the public land be hind the ranches is so magical there are plenty of places to walk around the private. I don't see the point that the kid that killed a buck out from under you never topped it.
  10. oz31p

    what unit?

    But back to the kids, What hunt do you want them to have, a hunt where they see almost no deer at all and the success rate is 20% at best?? That's not doing much for are future hunters IMO, I would have no problem if for one year all they allowed to hunt in 6A was kids. So you are saying the retention of future hunters is based off of success? I do not buy that at all and from what I have researched there is no evidence to prove that it does. There are enough Small game and Big game opportunities to hook, grow and retain future hunters without the youth Hunts for Deer and Elk. Part of the learning curve of any angling or hunting is the lesson in humility and understanding that there are no guarantees. Youth hunts are the equivalency of Giving all Kids who participate in a sport a trophy just so they stay interested, IMO, and that IMO is a bad habit. . Youth hunts are far from a gimme. In some units they are the 3 rd back to back to rifle deer hunt .
  11. oz31p

    what unit?

    Come on now you act like I have not seen the same thing In My Own Back Yard??? Let's not talk about what G and F has done to my unit, 6A look at the amount of hunters they let in every year its crazy. I have seen the quality of elk in the past 20 years decline year over year. I completely agree rut tags should be rotated through all the units in regards to deer. But back to the kids, What hunt do you want them to have, a hunt where they see almost no deer at all and the success rate is 20% at best?? That's not doing much for are future hunters IMO, I would have no problem if for one year all they allowed to hunt in 6A was kids. the kids get first crack at the deer every year in the youth hunts dont they? Not all units run the same youth before general season format
  12. oz31p

    what unit?

    I could not disagree more. The unit your talking about is in the middle of a 15year rebound. I too have been hunting this unit for 20years. The last few years I have seen more bucks than ever before.. Even with the youth rut tags the success rate is still very low. The mule deer foundation is doing a giant water project this weekend. I think this unit will only get better. Plus most people either complain about access and/or road hunt. Both drive the deer sighing and success rate into to tank. What better way to intro kids to hunting that letting them hunt with perfect weather and loads of deer running amuck.
  13. oz31p

    19a youth camp

    Where is the camp hq?
  14. oz31p

    Wall tent stove?

    oh ya. There's is definitely an art to adjusting a wood stove vents
  15. oz31p

    Wall tent stove?

    I normally stoke it right before bed. It's still warm in the morning . But some one almost always wakes to use the bath room .they just throw a few more logs in. I also use a thermal fan. It run off the stoves heat and circulates air. For spark arrest I have a rain cap. Looks similar to what would be on a water heater exauhst on your home. Also I burn 100% hard woods( mesquite eucalyptus ) long burns low sparks high heat. http://www.caframolifestylesolutions.com/ecofan/ I don't remeber the exact model but I could look if your interested
  16. oz31p

    Looking to get back into bow hunting

    most of the bows out there are pretty good.you welcome to test drive my elite. As for broad heads. I've had success with slick tricks and grave diggers. But to be honest they would have to stop making grave diggers for me to stop using them. The last few animals I've shot with them were absolutely poll axed.
  17. oz31p

    Anybody on the west side who bleaches skulls?

    call him. He's very nice and easy to work with.
  18. oz31p

    Wall tent stove?

    I have a 14x16 and use the alpine camp chef. It works great. Last time I checked Amazon had it for $200 with free shipping
  19. oz31p


    oh ya. And kid friendly. 3" groups at 100y
  20. Yeah the instructions said the screw should make 3 full turns. I thought that was kinda vague. I was just going to snug them up but I'll try the 60-65lbs ...inch pounds. I bought the Wheeler scope mounting kit. It came with the fat wrench. Works well. Lol right inch pounds. I'm doing it now wish me luck I feel a little cheated . You haven't told us about the rifle ...or added any pictures
  21. Hs and b and c have confirmed to me this process 1. Stand the stock vertical, resting on the recoil pad 2. Hang the barreled action on the stock (maintain vertical) 3. Insert the bottom metal (floor plate). Leave the magazine floor plate open. 4. Insert ONLY the front action screw. Leave the rear action screw on the table...not inserted at all. 5. With the action hanging under its own weight in the vertical stock, tighten the front action screw to 65 Lbs. 6. Insert the rear action screw, and torque it to 65 pounds. I use the wheeler digital f.a.t torque wrench. A cheap touque wrench can be off by as much as 15%.
  22. oz31p

    WTB camp chef 2 burner stove

    There's a few on Craig's list
  23. oz31p

    WTB Muletape

    what cha making ?
  24. oz31p


    I would look at stalker stick bows or charron http:/http://charronarchery.com /stalkerstickbows.com/ I would avoid cheap recurves. Would you buy the cheapest compound avalible then chalk poor groups to "not being dedicated enough" If your looking to give it an honest go put down the compound and focus on traditional gear. Get coaching and work at it. "Any thing worth doing is worth overdoing"