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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Wilbur unit 9 bull

    Aug 24th 2009
  2. ive been trying to find that post ive seen it mentioned a few times lmao. i get a kick out of the pro staff dudes promoting gear and giving expert opinions and theyve only killed a spike coues in their life. With out there expertise what would they blog about???
  3. I should have added I'm head to toe kuiu lol. But no douch brims
  4. I suppose but I think the internet exaggerates it to the point it's not as bad as it seems. Case in point myself. Any one who knows me would tell you that Iam fanatical about hunting. It's all I do it's all think about. I would do any thing to fill my tags. No hill high no hike to far. Except once I find a legal animal I'll kill it and eat it with very little fan fair no pictures on Cwt don't even have a face book . Just a few text pictures to close friends. I know I'm not alone. And I'm a millennial.
  5. oz31p

    WTB Canyon Cooler

    I bought a 35 out of the bone years it's been locked in the bed of my work truck since. Every Monday I drain cold water out and put two block of ice in it for the week.
  6. oz31p

    Ram DEF Issue's

    All construction equipment made since 2013 runs it. No issues with bad def due to "extreme "heat. The whole system consists of cheap components. And most def components are made by one or two company's. They all have issues but none are heat related.
  7. oz31p

    I'm looking for a plumber

  8. oz31p

    I'm looking for a plumber

    Are you certified?you betcha
  9. oz31p

    I'm looking for a plumber

    I can come by and lay some pipe 😉
  10. I got this one, I've been pretty happy with it. http://www.canyoncoolers.com/boneyard-outfitter-35.html
  11. oz31p

    Hunters Ed Classes

    https://www.azgfd.com/education/hunting/ Looks like sierra vista is your best bet
  12. oz31p

    Application question

    It's if you do it on paper make sure you but somthing in he unit field. Deer hunts are all 1000 series. So to just buy a point you put 1000 for the hunt number
  13. oz31p

    Wall Tent Photos

    Fwiw I prefer my wall tent to my house
  14. I shoot with my right hand griping the rifle in the palm swell.solid in the pocket of my shoulder with the less amount of additional human input as possible
  15. oz31p

    Camp fire blanket

    Why not just bank the fire if you plan on reliting it the next day?
  16. oz31p

    Why not hunters......What is wrong????

    Why not just build salt licks around the boundary of the park and let hunters whack them as they come in for a lick???
  17. oz31p

    Water purifiers.

    I filter almost all of my backcountry water through a gravity sawyer from very dirt cow tanks. My set up rolls up in the bottom half of an old water bottle so I scoop with the water bottle half.
  18. oz31p

    Antelope? Pronghorn?

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pronghorn According to Wikipedia it's not an antipope.
  19. oz31p

    Yes or No to the TREE STAND

    I would not sit in someone else's stand but I would not hesitate to hang my own in the same spot
  20. oz31p

    Bluegill or Crappie near Williams?

    Lake Mary has crappie
  21. oz31p

    WTS S&W 340sc .357

    Can't beat a 12oz 357. I have carried mine every day for 10years
  22. oz31p

    Timmey triggers ?

    They are located in north Phoenix. Shop in and check it out
  23. oz31p

    Optics System Choice

    I switched every thing for 12x Swarovski's. I can see every thing I need to see. If not I'm to far to do anything about it any way. What I lost with the 15x I more than make up for in crips clearness at12x
  24. oz31p

    Az state indoor joad championship

    I see your at the out door champion today also.
  25. Blue Nissan Titan. Sticker was on the camper shell