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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. There were 3 buck that were hitting that tank but very inconsistent because of an other tank a ridge away. I glassed all three with 500y of my tank Thursday eventing.
  2. Yesterday was my first time sitting a blind. I set it last Sunday the 20th and brushed it in. I sat yesterday from sun up till 10am when a small 3x3 coues buck came in and gave a perfect 30y broad side shot. He ran 70y and piled up. Brutal hike out of the canyon with the buck my blind and chair and gear.
  3. oz31p

    Easier setup/ wall tent or Alaknak?

    I love my 14x16 canvas tent but . I would guess the alaknak is easyer. I've been think about getting something smaller and easier for winter trips when it's just one or 2 people.
  4. oz31p

    *updated* Utah archery buck

    Nice work. That's the only type of pass(through) I would've given him.
  5. oz31p

    After ladder test

    I normally start at mag length and ladder test those. Then Work shorter
  6. oz31p

    What the heck is Hecs

    I heard it works perfectly as long as you stay down wind and conceal your movement.
  7. Just keep in mind when blind/treestand hunting it's not at all uncommon to have a really slow day or two. You have to give a spot at least 3 full days. Minimum. Something with antlers will amble by. Longest I've had to sit before killing something is four days so far. I know some people that have gone longer, but they were waiting for something special and kept letting little ones walk. I'm gonna try really hard to take your advice. I brushed in the same grounder 250 this morning. But I've never hunted from a blind. But I think I've got a good spot scouted so I'm hoping that helps to motivate me to say put and not fall back into my spot and stalk ways....at least the first 4 days lol
  8. oz31p

    Game bags

    I've put 5 animals through the black Ovis bags from camo fire. They still look and feel new. But in case they get discontinued I bought a few extra sets
  9. oz31p

    Can game animals smell your lunch

    If you've screwed the wind enough for them to small your lunch they already smelled you.
  10. That's sounds fun. 100 holes in a days. That's a marathon alright.
  11. oz31p

    unit 21

    Didn't read the old stuff but I will say that the coues areas in 21 have expanded greatly over the last several years but still valid info
  12. oz31p

    AZGF Restrict Use of Trail Cameras

    A law is only as good as the enforcement.
  13. oz31p

    Best Frame Pack For A Backpack Mule deer hunt

    I have owned or atleast tried every major brand. I settled on kifaru. I'm very happy. 26inch bikini frame with a nomad and woodsman long hunter lid and a grab it. It's very light empty and carries weight very well.
  14. oz31p

    Holy trail cams batman!

    He was being sarcastic.. try to keep up.
  15. oz31p

    Holy trail cams batman!

    Pretty soon there will be outfits that find the animals for you, set up your blind, give you a place to sleep and eat and then drive you out to the blind in the morning and drop you off... Now that's funny .
  16. oz31p

    Holy trail cams batman!

    I already regret posting on this topic. Some of the tanks I've been to are 3.5 hard miles into a wilderness.
  17. oz31p

    Holy trail cams batman!

    I've been exploring some of the most remote parts of north central Arizona . Most tanks have cameras with lagbolted bear boxes . Not good or bad just is. I've left a few notes to contact them about when they plan to hunt the area. So far no ones called .
  18. oz31p

    Easy fix or PITA?

    Call dicks speedo and tach in Tempe. That repair is there bread and butter
  19. oz31p

    Anyone know?

    Looks like the one from a story on Cwt last year or the year before. My memory is a little foggy but I think the shooter had his bow in one hand and an apple in the other.
  20. oz31p

    Family sues Law Enforcement

    Anybody in or around the law enforcement community would tell you very common and municipalities seldom put up a fight
  21. Empire cat is always hiring
  22. oz31p

    Rabid Bobcat Attack

    Rabies be dammed. I'd step in too if my dog was being attacked.
  23. oz31p

    2017 Draw Results

    or just keep driving back and forth till there is .
  24. oz31p

    2017 Draw Results

    getting the 2 day jump on everyone else? August, archery, 23; off the power lines on the 512 for me. Better?
  25. oz31p

    2017 Draw Results

    Save me a seat