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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. Nice but my shoulder hurts just looking at that picture.
  2. oz31p

    Mule deer diet in the fall

    Ive watched mule deer and Coues Deer absolutely destroy barrel cactus.
  3. Between work acquaintances and friends and friend of friend I know guys who killed bulls in 7w 7e 5b 8 6a 19a 10 23. And a few late archery bulls, Not to mention the cows that fell in the last 2 days.
  4. oz31p

    teenager bow drawlength question.

    At 6 foot I bet his draw is longer that 28. Take him to a bow shop and see what he can draw. But at his size he needs an adult bow.
  5. oz31p

    Unit ten elk ?? On the Bo not seen one elk

    Any pics? Mystery solved. There’s “no elk” left on the Big Boquillas Ranch becaue you guys killed them all. That’s a lot of meat!
  6. How does it shot. Do you have a load?
  7. oz31p

    28 nosler

    Have you checked cal ranch? There web site is worth less but the last time I was in the store they had the best reloading selection of any store in the state.
  8. oz31p

    Tessa's Bull

    Oh that young lady is something else . Got any other angles?
  9. oz31p

    Javelina Meat?

    I was wondering about jerky. Like slim jim sticks or something like that. yep. Some times I’ll mix in pork but only so there enough to be worth the effort
  10. oz31p

    20c youth hunt success or suckfest...

    I’ve been hunting the public land in 20c for 15 years. The unit has been in the rise for the past 5 years We know what you think TOBY. You come on and piss and moan about every season every year.
  11. oz31p

    Javelina Meat?

    Just plain ground and make spaghetti or Italian sausage but just bulk not stuffed in cases for meat loaf or stuffer peppers. Cleaned trimmed ready to eat your only looking at 8-10lbs . Last year I bought the lem jerky canon and made snack sticks out of the two I killed. http://www.lemproducts.com/product/jerky-cannon/jerky-cannon-gun-accessories
  12. oz31p

    20c youth hunt success or suckfest...

    We went 3 out of 4 on the Jr hunt. We saw a ton of bucks. The last tag would have been filled but he’s a 11 and was tired so he didn’t want to go back out after hikeing the days prior with his siblings. Seems like there’s more deer in 20c every year
  13. oz31p

    7 East

    what about the buck??
  14. oz31p

    Overnight Hiking Trip / Creekside

    sycamore creek out of Clark dale is nice. Woodchute trail is nice but the water must be filtered from a cow tank(I’ve filtered 100s of Liters from that tank) but hellova view.
  15. oz31p

    Which trophy is a greater accomplishment?

    i read somewhere that 70% of the tags are filled with spikes and forks. In a state where harvest reporting is a joke. How would any one know that? Its done by social media now ? Social media is still a thing?
  16. oz31p

    Unit ten elk ?? On the Bo not seen one elk

    Funny!cut him some slack...he looked for almost a whole day and a half¡¡!!
  17. oz31p

    Which trophy is a greater accomplishment?

    i read somewhere that 70% of the tags are filled with spikes and forks . In a state where harvest reporting is a joke. How would any one know that?
  18. oz31p

    .243 load for first time hunter and shooter

    I would do the 95s. Javelina are pretty small and easy to get with 100yards.
  19. oz31p

    Late Archery Hunt

    It was pretty tough. They were watering in the pitch black dark. But some were at last light. I killed one at last light. My buddy got busted at last light and another buddy had several bull water at last light and either never presented a good shot or passed because they were smaller bulls.
  20. oz31p

    First Elk hunt 7E late rifle

    If I were hunting the late bull hunt In 7e tormorrow I would be at 9k+ pre dawn
  21. oz31p

    First Elk hunt 7E late rifle

    If you hunt near the road you’ll see trucks and atvs. This applies to every unit.
  22. oz31p


    . I used the regular blue envelope and paper app. I applied for the only leftover tag avalible for the hunt. I put it in the mail 11/24. I drew that leftover. Its already posted on the portal. I do the left over tags they same way every year.
  23. oz31p

    Javelina Hunting Questions

    This is a very good resource however I disagree with this statement; Besides finding suitable habitat, the greatest limiting factor for Javelina expansion into new areas in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and beyond, is climate. Javelina have no under fur, so they cannot survive winter in a cold climate.[/size] I have seen them in the snow in Prescott and it gets pretty cold around Williams.[/size] . I believe that was published back when Arizona got a winter .
  24. oz31p

    Shot placement quiz

    10/10 But then again I did fill 3 archery tags this year
  25. oz31p

    No Surprise
