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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. Looks like I’ll be there too. My daughter also got tickets for Christmas
  2. oz31p

    The Perfect Rib Roast

    I did a 5lbser Saturday night and a 9 lbs and a 6 lbs Christmas Day. All three deep fried. All three were great
  3. oz31p

    Morning with the boy!

    Very nice I’ve been trying like mad the last few weekend with my 9yo behind an ar. But have had zero critters called in.
  4. oz31p

    Kifaru questions

    I have the older 26in bikini frame with the woodsman with a spotter pocket on one side and two med belt pouches on the other, med belt pouches on each hip. Ive had the nomad and a tahr in the past with great success. I packed my aug buck out a good ways with a full load and a ground blind all in one trip. Luckily my late archery bull died in an area I could drive right up to him. The last few years I hauled several animals including back pack trips with the family where Dad is the mule. I think its worth it. I like the gun bearer also but with a nice rifle I put the solo hunter rifle cover over it then put it in the gun bearer. I liked my team elk too, but loaded with a bull hind quarter . No thanks. It never fit me that well either even at 58
  5. oz31p

    Nothing is Sacred anymore

    I don’t know Santa Claus is an exactly sacred as far as I’m concerned. He’s the number one cause of the bastardization of the Christian holiday. If the liberals want him we should thank them for taking him.
  6. oz31p


    From what I heard the game warden in 7 8 and 10 we’re all pretty busy these last few late season Hunts
  7. oz31p

    Review Time!

    Other then "will they fit in my waist-worn man purse", I don't have the slightest idea what any of that means! I think it was a compliment
  8. oz31p

    Lets talk Prime Rib Cooking

    please elaborate
  9. oz31p

    Lets talk Prime Rib Cooking

    Ok I’m going back to the store. Frys had several out.
  10. oz31p

    Gould’s for sale - but which is it ?

    I’d guess the one the right because if diferant that the ones I have on my walls .
  11. oz31p

    Any handgunning plans?

    Is that the Burris scope?
  12. oz31p

    Any handgunning plans?

    buddy if you don’t I will I’ve never hunted deer with a hand gun but I’ve kill several javelina with handguns
  13. I don’t think the outfitter wanted to unit closed. But due to their high success while shooting baited whitetail deer....so I heard
  14. oz31p

    Safe in post tension slab

    underground isnt readily advertised for obvious reasons. I think the key word was IN. Why not put the safe in the house out of sight. Instead of a hot garage in full view?
  15. oz31p

    Opinions Wanted

    Oh man on a backpack hunt I would leave my left arm at home If i had a good way to reattach it when I got back:D
  16. oz31p

    Opinions Wanted

    I would not backpack with a both. Make a choice....is this a bow hunt or a rifle hunt?
  17. oz31p

    How is this a thing?

    I saw a crooked horn spike and a busted off fork. I'm only trying to get about $3.50pm sent Wait......my pm was before yours........wonder how many people are going to show up? As long as the check clears’s who cares !!
  18. oz31p

    How is this a thing?

    I saw a crooked horn spike and a busted off fork. I'm only trying to get about $3.50 pm sent
  19. oz31p

    How is this a thing?

    With out a doubt. Cwt.com is the only social media I participate in but I recognize it has become an industry of cool. Most Johnny come lately are less interested in hunting and more into showing up and killing something
  20. oz31p

    How is this a thing?

    I’d bet it’s just another flatbilled db trying to pimp out hunting and make a buck. Just because some one launched an app does not mean it’s a successful thing.
  21. The rut will peak the exact same days this year it did last Year.
  22. oz31p

    If you could design your own?

    Going to have to agree with the gut hook. Has anyone found a simple way to sharpen the hook? nope. Lol But I’ve found that mine is used for only a few cuts per animal and seems to keep for a while longer that a normal edge.
  23. oz31p

    Not what I wanted to see

    Aside from the 8 cameras what have you found while scouting?
  24. oz31p

    If you could design your own?

    A small fixed caping blade with a large gap gut hook