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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. Raise your hand if your surprised.... If your hand is up, this might not be the forum for you.
  2. oz31p

    Canvas Tents/Outfitters Tent Questions

    For 4 people I’d stick with a 14x16 any bigger is gonna be a chalange to keep heated during a late hunt. I too skipped the fire retardant and have not had any issues. I have a 14x16 from the wall tent store. If I had to buy another I’d get another from the walltent shop. I’m in El mirage I could roll mine out if you wanna to put your hands on one. https://www.walltentshop.com/
  3. oz31p

    Javelina's for donation

    Clean trimmed ready to eat your lookin at 8-10 lbs
  4. oz31p

    1 Day!!!

    My oldest in on for the first time but I’ve been so busy hunting I have put much thought into the coming results
  5. oz31p

    What binos?

    That's something to be proud of I guess? Nice work. Good job. Real thumbs up. Oh boy, not this s%#@ again. Why do all these threads turn into pissing contest every time anymore. There's a thread already covering what happened on that one. becaue there’s never a declared winner. Maybe we start measuring by either volume or distance?
  6. oz31p


    not hard at all....if you have access to a lathe and a mill
  7. oz31p

    What binos?

    12x50 el in a harness and on a Tripod
  8. oz31p

    Any Machinists on here?

    I go through a lot of broadheads. Let me know if you need a tester
  9. oz31p

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    I am. With a Ben Pearson javelina recurve
  10. A shorter front sight would move you poi up.
  11. similar story here good bucks running crazy but didn’t want to spoil the kids hunt
  12. make that 2 down, one to go make that 3 for 3.all done. Green chili sliders burger for dinner for me
  13. make that 2 down, one to go
  14. A herd ghosted in the morning but we found a group of two in the afternoon and my a perfect stalk to 26 yards. One down. Two to go
  15. oz31p


    I’ve had mine for about 2 years now. This is the only issue I’ve had. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/67480-el-outdoorsman-micro-pan-head-issue/
  16. oz31p

    'Stink Pigs'

    . While we’re at can we stop calling them pigs of any kind. They are not pigs, they are not related to pigs. They are javelina.
  17. I’ll be in a camp for the weekend with 4 jr tag holder in 20c
  18. oz31p

    Now What . . .

    you do it your way Ill stick with my way 😉
  19. oz31p

    Now What . . .

    They are not tougher than any other animals. They are small animals with small vitals. Thats what makes them hard to kill. To the op questions, I would craw in with an fixed blade arrow in my hand and a head light. finish off and drag him out. What did you do?
  20. oz31p

    are the lakes locked?

    It’s only 19% of course they’ve made it the 19% citizens notice most
  21. oz31p

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    I read thru every post and basically you wanted a lesser punishment because you self reported. You stated you shot a turkey and saw it was down, then decided to shoot another one. What other facts matter?
  22. For whats its worth....I think Ive been extremely successful spot and stalk archery coues deer mule deer elk and javelina in Arizona. I d guess my average is 10 stalks per kill.
  23. Just go slow and stay out of there line of sight. It’s not as loud as you think it is.
  24. oz31p

    Handgunners-What gun, What bullet?

    A recurve
  25. oz31p

    Easy to draw

    1/2 a bitcoin will get You a good tag in New Mexico