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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Just another instance where our hobbie get perverted into a for profit endeavor and ethics slide. Inches by any means. Common among guilds. kinda crummy for the few honest guilds.
  2. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I dont know that to be the case but I do remember him bragging about how one even knew that deer lived in the area and he make a super stalk and perfect shot. The story is in eastmans lmao and he got a bow for it!! The nerve of this guy oh ya that’s right. But It is Eastman’s after all.
  3. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I don’t know that to be the case but I do remember him bragging about how one even knew that deer lived in the area and he make a super stalk and perfect shot.
  4. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    i don’t know but those power lines are hilariously obvious to me
  5. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    . He’s listed as guild on several guild services websites too.
  6. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    The gangs all here. Aint missing but one guy. Seems pretty easy to figure out. The main question is after the dust settles will he still be able to get bent out of shape when one forgets what hes done?
  7. oz31p

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    And exposed several scum balls
  8. oz31p

    1st year recurve

    This will be my first year with the recurve and I will be hunting spot and stalk deer this aug
  9. oz31p

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    isnt it not burning naturally the reason these so much fuel in the first place? Its hard to understand that the small town folks seem to think only they are responsible enough to use the forest. The rest of us are the tax base that pays the lions share of operations and maintenance cost right?If we start a fire here it burns our house down. It doesnt burn yours down. So naturally those that have more to lose than just the trees are going to be more careful. And were more inclined to want it closed so there isnt a fire no matter who starts it. Also last I checked when the forest closes we all are locked out of it so not like they are letting locals use it and out of towners can't. IF you don’t keep your property fire wise do you get the same ticket as the person who started the fire?
  10. oz31p

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    isn’t it not burning naturally the reason these so much fuel in the first place? It’s hard to understand that the small town folks seem to think only they are responsible enough to use the forest. The rest of us are the tax base that pays the lions share of operations and maintenance cost right?
  11. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50

    I gave up my 15 and 10s for a set of 12 Els a few years ago. Zero regrets.
  12. oz31p

    Boat motor, help needed

    The pictures disappeared but maybe one of these
  13. I’m a bow hunter so once my quarry knows I’m there the games over. I think 300-500y is too close if it can be avoided. I’ve seen them notice movement and bugger out at those ranges
  14. oz31p

    When to buy Point Guard

    One point is 1 year. Is a year worth $5 to ya?
  15. oz31p

    Dick's (sporting goods) shriveling up

    Dicks has a hunting section??
  16. oz31p

    Then it woke up

    I bet next time she just calls 911
  17. oz31p

    Free Quad Handmits

    Hand muff and heated grips are a must for a hunting quad
  18. oz31p

    Urban Fishing @ Rio Vista

    You guys are silly these urban lakes are stocked with fish every other week. Then they are caught then they are stocked again.
  19. oz31p

    Urban Fishing @ Rio Vista

    Rio verde and pioneer got stocked on Thursday
  20. oz31p


    Dont be lazy just hike in lol Seriously this is the best info ive found . But Ive only ever been to the other side. Ive never been to the dam. Too many people for me. Im getting a group together for a trip in a few weeks
  21. oz31p

    Fire restrictions start 4-18-2018

    . Only if you can articulate what’s being celebrated
  22. oz31p

    Fire restrictions start 4-18-2018

    I prefer my propane ring. It’s never too green or wet ,When Im ready to go to bed I can turn it off and there’s endless entertain of every persons who drives past stopping to explain to me there’s campfire restrictions.
  23. oz31p

    Which directions do you glass?

  24. oz31p

    Buying antlers mesa/Phoenix 4/10

    I Lived in Korea for 2 years, it’s not for growth...it’s for function.
  25. oz31p

    Getting ready

    If you need a healthy option heathers choice is also on sale