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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    With no slants or bias. If it’s better it’s better regardless of the logo. They are some hair splitting sob’s though.
  2. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    I don’t have a closed mind. I used the best Leica has to offer for a year. Bergers are crap. But to be fair this is a thread talking about 12x50 el vs 15x56hd becaue they both are in a class of their own.
  3. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    I had the 15x56 slc then geovid 15x56 then. The 12x50 el. The liecas are good but they are not In The same league. The only optics reviews I value are from Birding forums. Those guys are nutty about optics and have zero bias. I just remembered your the the guy who argues with every one about every thing. If I would have remembered I would not have even addressed your comment.
  4. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    Most unbiased optic reviews disagree.
  5. oz31p

    Where were you?

    Range 16 Ft benning Ga . One month into basic training
  6. oz31p

    Favorite boots

    I like a tall stiff boot. I have weak ankles but I hike far with heavy loads, So for me it’s kenetreks mt extremes and mt guild insulated. But every ones foot is there really are no back boat makers Any more, just a mismatch of boot type vs foot type.
  7. oz31p

    Point guard vs tag donation.

    Same boat. I’ve dontated a tag to oe4a in the past but I’m gonna call hunts for hero’s tormorrow.
  8. oz31p

    Swarovski EL 12x50

    I hand hold mine just fine. And your right on a backpack hunting, one optic is the way to go.
  9. oz31p

    Freeze drying velvet

    I’ve had a few freeze dried. I think it’s a diferant process. I don’t think just being in the freezer will do it. My taxidermist ships the antlers out to be done.
  10. oz31p

    Point guard vs tag donation.

    Sweet, this is the first year I bought point guard
  11. oz31p

    Point guard vs tag donation.

    It’s a late Coues tag in 35b
  12. oz31p

    Camera & stand thieves facing charges

    Do they still use lead books in Utah?
  13. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    My buddy bought the 15hds with out knowing and we hunt together often. Yes the 12 el over the 15s. Every day. I don’t even use a spotting scope any more. I can glasses a bedded buck/evaluate him enough to know if I’m interested in him. Or I’m too far away to kill him today any way.
  14. oz31p

    Son's first Antelope

    Very nice. Got any photos where the bows not blocking the perfect hit?? I’m a sucker for broadhead wounds
  15. oz31p

    19A questions, help

    Keep the Sheriff’s number handy and know the law. Be polite to overzealous land-leasers, but call the fuzz if needed
  16. Ya lush... jk we make dove nuggets last weekend
  17. oz31p

    Favorite boots

    Those look broke in. The toe cap reminds me of my old army jump boots red wings for work kenetreks for fun
  18. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    I disagree. I glass with the 12els side by side the 15hds several weeks a year. It’s hard to discribe but you don’t see the less magnification. But you notice the brightnes and larger clearer field of view. Have you glassed with either one? duwane used swaro 15s 15 years ago because they were the best available at the time.
  19. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    Have you talked with Mr Adams lately, because the swaro 12’s weren’t around when Dwyane became a legend.
  20. oz31p

    Swaro 12x50 or 15x56HD?

    12x50 el ive spent a ton of time sitting next to the 15hds. The higher magnification is not realy noticed but the 12s are clearer , brighter and a much bigger field of view. There’s a reason swaro has them in diferant lines. The 15hds have a slight gray shade to me. If your on the west side I could get set up a side by side comparison.
  21. oz31p

    Any archery camps still at it?

    We packed him from the kill site to camp yesterday night to camp. Then broke camp and hiked every thing to the truck this morning
  22. oz31p

    Any archery camps still at it?

    Well I’m done. Shot a nice mule deer yesterday evening. We’re backpacked it so we’re hiking him out this morning.
  23. oz31p


    I didnt really see it as a right or wrong issue. I was just looking for a credible source.
  24. oz31p


    Where did you find this info?