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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Ladder treestand on a saguaro??

    With that silver tounged sob, the snake may have consented
  2. oz31p

    Ladder treestand on a saguaro??

    I’m just glad to hear you use them at all😉
  3. oz31p

    Muzzle break 300 rum

    What is on your 7mm makes it feel like a pellet gun
  4. oz31p

    6.5 x 300 weatherby wilderness rifle NIB

    Any idea what the muzzle diameter is on the 6.5-300?
  5. oz31p

    Muzzle break 300 rum

    Is that what’s on your 7mm
  6. oz31p

    Urine-addicted goats

    Can we relocate the hippies that pee on goats??
  7. oz31p

    Hunting Pain Relief?

    Don’t worry about your smell. If an animal get your wind it’s over regardless. Just mind the wind. I bow hunt after days without a shower.
  8. oz31p

    How Die Hard Of A Hunter are you??

    F me too I guess. I don’t think you are a drunk. But many of your posts read as if you were drunk when you write them.
  9. oz31p

    34A "lowlands"?

    They go any where there is food.
  10. oz31p

    34A "lowlands"?

    They are every where and they are nowhere. There’s always a chance to see one.
  11. oz31p

    Rings/base recommendation

    Dnz game reaper
  12. oz31p

    Slob hunters

    What’s a Luke Brian?
  13. oz31p

    Need help finding Canyon cooler 125 quart

    Both phx sportsman’s had them a week ago
  14. oz31p

    Slob hunters

    I’d think some one who hunts in that far is not drinking beer. Most of us pack whisky or shine
  15. oz31p

    Tombstone best restaurant.

    La casita in sv😉
  16. oz31p

    338 Edge

    Any idea what it weights ?
  17. oz31p


  18. oz31p

    Tucson knife sharpening

    http://www.rmsgear.com/service/knife-sharpening/ theses guys sharpend my broadheads so well I get a nick if I look at them wrong
  19. oz31p

    Dot sight vs scope

    I went through a few scopes on my ar’s (10 and 15) for coyotes I used a shortbarrled ar15 with an eotech 5.12. With a 60g bullet I have the same point of aim for 25y-225y. No hold over just hold dead on
  20. oz31p


    If you only see one shooter, how many do you think Tessa will consider??? Lol