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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    2 per year question

    I’d rather see a mandatory report at first time you access the g and f. Either the first draw you enter or the first license you buy for the year. I don’t think they want to know the true harvest numbers to be frank.
  2. oz31p

    Handgun calibers for javis

    I tried to tell him that but he’s given up on a Challenge
  3. oz31p


    Welcome. You’ve come to the right site and state
  4. oz31p

    Arrow tree

  5. oz31p

    Arrow tree

    Holly shoot mark it 2/5/19 624pm we agreed on something
  6. oz31p

    Arrow tree

    Call names if you like. It’s just trash to me. Would feel different if it was spent shotgun shells?
  7. oz31p

    Arrow tree

    I get sentimental About empty beer cans. I think I’ll start hanging them in a tree every time I’m in the area .
  8. oz31p

    Arrow tree

    I think there’s a difference between the occasional lost arrows and hundreds of arrows shot into a tree. Any one drives by a camp site with trash left there it’s just slobs. But a tree full of arrrows, everyone knows hunters did it.
  9. For sale skb 3i 4217 pl Pretty much new I put my bow in it once but never left the house. Has a few small scratches from moving it around the garage. Plush interior interior size 41x15.5 3 sides have handles and wheels on the bottom. http://www.skbcases.com/sports/sku.php?cat=12&pid=2
  10. oz31p

    Arrow tree

    Can we stop littering in the forest?
  11. oz31p

    Elk draw website down

    It’s the govt....they probably don’t even know that’s where their funding comes from.
  12. oz31p

    Elk draw website down

    That’s basically what they told me
  13. oz31p

    Same Buck?

    I’m normally very skeptical about these types of posts but..... ya that’s the same buck
  14. oz31p

    Kifaru Muskeg

    I’ve been on late hunts and monsoons hunts. Never had an issue with the contents of my pack getting wet. A soaked frame webbing and straps, sure. An pack cover will due I had the 5000 but it’s crunchy and the layout doesn’t off much over my reckoning and woodsman. The 5000 is $350 2lbs 8oz reckoning is 6500 $285 2lbs 11 The woodsman is 4000 $220 2lbs I guess weight is compairable but I felt like it packed the same as the woodsman but the side zip is off to the side. It’s only water proff on the sides and back. The rest is standard 500d. I sold mine a few months back. Kifaru is great but they have several packs I like better
  15. oz31p

    Firewood Run

    https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/for/d/queen-creek-firewood-pine-fire-wood/6806051832.html https://phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/grd/d/shttps://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/for/d/phoenix-pecan-fire-wood-for- sale/6778377901.htmlurprise-fire-wood/6795911126.html just about every fire wood yard and mulch yard in town .
  16. oz31p

    Firewood Run

    It’s on Dixileta and 17 but there are several fire Wood yards around the valley that will fill your bed for $100
  17. oz31p

    Kifaru Muskeg

    I never drop my pack. I shot a javelina with a 30 lbs pack a few weeks ago. I shot a deer last sept with a 50lbs pack on. Kifaru makes a great rain cover for the few rain storms we get. The muskeg line is also more expensive and heavier
  18. oz31p

    Firewood Run

    Is it worth the gas money? It’s $100 for a pickup bed full already cut in town
  19. oz31p

    Kifaru Muskeg

    I use kifaru but the muskeg line is designed as waterproof so I think it’s pointless in Arizona. It’s a loud material. Really needs to be used in a very wet environment to pay off. If if I lived in Alaska or the pnw I’d own it.
  20. I heard the application period closed because all the tags we’re allocated. 😉
  21. oz31p

    Firewood Run

    Bella gardens. I17 and dixeta 😉
  22. If you do PayPal I’ll take it