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Everything posted by oz31p

  1. oz31p

    Blonde Stripes on velvet bull

    The only reason I showed up
  2. oz31p

    Crossbow permit repeal

    So long as your dr wrote down alcoholism on the permit
  3. oz31p

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    Djt was impeached for talking about the Biden family corruption……Biden pardoned his whole family 🤦‍♂️
  4. oz31p

    Bass are feeding now

    I think bass fisherman are like mule deer hunter !!
  5. oz31p

    Bass are feeding now

    Bruh……. Where? Finished the last hunt with wind and the flu. Ready to fish
  6. oz31p

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Same way you know what a penny tastes like
  7. oz31p

    Timmy Winslow

    I guess we’ll find out
  8. oz31p

    Timmy Winslow

    Super cheap. Might as well blow up all three units, I’m trying to look out for the “hunter” that don’t have time to scout
  9. oz31p

    Timmy Winslow

    Pm me for scouting pins in 22 23 6a
  10. oz31p

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Don’t mind me
  11. oz31p

    Timmy Winslow

    If your buying a guild or pins your not that into hunting and you should go golfing or something else
  12. oz31p

    Crossbow permit repeal

    For some reason the website won’t let me like this twice. I know of 20somthings at my work that had “sore shoulders” that now have (had) cross bow permits on
  13. oz31p

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    Killed a buck in 5b solo at 38yards in 2020 drew at 9pts
  14. That’s sad to hear , I work close and want to try it
  15. oz31p

    Who was in the wrong here?

    It’s to bait them into litigation. Sadly too often the officers are used to people forfeiting their right so when some one actually knows their rights they loose their cool. I say this from a Leo family/household with plenty of IA experience.
  16. oz31p

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    That’s it gonna be accurate this year with the tag increase
  17. If you look a little harder there’s gsp puppies for sale on this site right now
  18. oz31p

    Elk points

    Easy to get, rarely filled ?
  19. oz31p

    Elk points

  20. oz31p

    Elk points

    my meme game is a little off at the moment
  21. oz31p

    Elk points

  22. oz31p

    Elk points

    Let’s discuss this further at a camp fire on my sheep hunt in 2025
  23. oz31p

    Elk points

    Her !
  24. oz31p

    Elk points

  25. oz31p

    Elk points

    My kid killed a good bull on a 22s late rifle tag last year