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About jeremiahjohnson

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  • Birthday 08/03/1981

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  1. jeremiahjohnson

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Look I get that there’s a bunch of “fan boys” on here that probably have Adams book, in hard copy, that’s autographed, and they sleep with it every night. But when you look at this whole crap show it boils down to ethics. The way this went down, could constitute a good ol’ fashioned butt whoopin, and probably should have gone down that way. BUT then a lawyer would have been called and someone would cry “SLANDER”.
  2. jeremiahjohnson

    unit 32

    That unit is hit or miss, my uncle has taken a,112 out of there, but in all the times I spent in there glassing sheep, and bears, all I've seen are dinkers, my best buck in 7 yrs in the west side of that unit is probably 85 and this is from arivaipa to Jackson cabin. A lot of deer, A LOT of lions get a cat tag for sure! Glass your butt off.
  3. jeremiahjohnson

    Coues With Big Heavy Bullets

    I shot the 196 grn vlds out of my 300 rum, couldn't get them to shoot great. Now I'm shooting the,200 grn accubond. Love this bullet. I've found on big dense animals like elk, bear, this round is the hammer of god. On coues deer, I wasn't impressed,shot my buck at 250 last yr. Thought it would lift him off the ground, not the case, zipped through so fast, I don't feel the bullet got to totally perform. Overall, my gun loves them. Out of a 257 I shot the 110 grn accubond, awesome performance, watched my ex slam hogs at 300 like it was nothing with this round.
  4. jeremiahjohnson

    Coues With Big Heavy Bullets

    I shot the 196 grn vlds out of my 300 rum, couldn't get them to shoot great. Now I'm shooting the,200 grn accubond. Love this bullet. I've found on big dense animals like elk, bear, this round is the hammer of god. On coues deer, I wasn't impressed,shot my buck at 250 last yr. Thought it would lift him off the ground, not the case, zipped through so fast, I don't feel the bullet got to totally perform. Overall, my gun loves them. Out of a 257 I shot the 110 grn accubond, awesome performance, watched my ex slam hogs at 300 like it was nothing with this round.
  5. jeremiahjohnson

    2015 Archery Bull

    Awesome bull man!! Congrats
  6. jeremiahjohnson

    440 bull

    Yeah... that's what they call a pig
  7. jeremiahjohnson

    Updated with story. Daily updates!! 15yr old 6b archery bull

    That's awesome, great bull. Nothing better than a family hunt!! Huge congratulations
  8. jeremiahjohnson

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    Had a guy I worked with that had a 5x5 on his ranch by Picacho peak some years back. Pretty sure g&f "removed" him
  9. jeremiahjohnson

    What's your go to single reed mouth call?

    Mellow yellow momma bugling bulls game calls. Best calls I've used
  10. jeremiahjohnson

    Unit 22 Flat Line Maps

    Yup, had to buy both
  11. jeremiahjohnson

    Excited!! 22s muzzeloader

    I'm tag #3.. not taking a pic though, it's bad juju
  12. jeremiahjohnson


    same here finally.. can't wait
  13. jeremiahjohnson

    Results available

    So, anyway, I'm rockin a muzzy tag, can't wait, how about the rest of you?
  14. jeremiahjohnson

    Results available

    Right on bra, you know all!!
  15. jeremiahjohnson

    Results available

    Mc68 you're right on. Being from az and living in colorado, I see first hand the fruits of the g&fs labor. Colorado for elk they focus on quantity not qualty, but for deer it's reversed. Thus the deer quality is great, every unit holds giants, but for elk on the other hand, there is a 4pt antler restriction, and sometimes it's hard to find a bull even that big. The limited draw is what it takes to manage wildlife correctly in my opinion. Wyoming went to a limited draw in every unit and in the past 5 yrs they have been pulling studs out. All of us have had times where we weren't happy with the g&f, granted most of it is due to we didn't draw the tag we wanted. Don't be that guy who bashes his state! I love az and love the fact that it's a special place to hunt.