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Everything posted by SirShagalott

  1. Hi Gaps, Here's my recipe for the 7mm WSM: (Brent develops the load for every rifle he builds and this is what he found worked best). Winchester Brass CCI 250 Primers 69.0 g H-1000 162g Hornady A-Max COAL 2.950 (He customized the well to allow me to fit the extra length.) As for my last 300RUM (The one I sold on CW this week) here was the recipe: Remington Brass Federal 215M Primers 92.0g Retumbo Berger 210VLD 3.60 COAL I'm such a fan of the 210's I'm hesitant to try another bullet. When they hit they go off like a grenade! Thanks! Ric
  2. Between $4-6k depending on what options you choose (barrell, action, etc...). Worth every penny! Best, Ric
  3. I'm interested in purchasing a set of Kowa Highlander, if you have a used set for sale let me know... Thanks, Ric 602-330-4664
  4. I'm interested in purchasing a set of the Kowa Highlanders... If you have a used set for sale, let me know. Thanks, Ric 602-330-4664
  5. I also have a little over 100 fired brass and just under 3 boxes of Nosler Custom ammo and redding dies available as well...
  6. Thanks regan ranch...sounds like the Cummins guy needs an intervention...too many ladies in his life...ha,ha,
  7. 112coues, David Slade from Gilbert completed the entire build. I can give you his contact info if you want to speak to him... Best, Ric
  8. I don't know all of the components but I do know that it is a Saturn carbon wrapped barrel, remington action, enormous barrel lug, png (?) bolt, Timney trigger, Western Precision break, Leupold Mark 4 scope 8.5-25...without the scope it weighed about 6 pounds, it weighs about 8 lbs complete...Brent shot it the week before I picked it up and at the Safford range at 440 yards it laid down a three shot group under an inch (stupid accurate). After I shot it and brought it home I called Brent up and asked him to start on another one in 300 RUM for me, this time with a Defiance action (that's why I am selling off some rifles)...I can't wait till it's done!
  9. Vowell, Here it is...my new 7mm WSM built by Brent Jacob of Western Precision Rifles. It's my mistress (it's OK to have a mistress as long as your wife knows about it!). ha,ha...
  10. No offense taken, my kids are my world! I deserve it for having such a sophomoric user name...ha,ha...
  11. SirShagalott

    Remington 700 in .243 CDL with Leupold Scope

    Officially SOLD...money in hand.
  12. SELLING MY REMINGTON 700 CDL IN .243 WITH A LEUPOLD VARI-X2C 3X-9X40 SCOPE. CDL CHECKERED STOCK, POLISHED BOLT, GREAT SHOOTER! $700.00 w/ scope $550 w/o scope Ric 602-330-4664
  13. Cactus Jack...Is that you Steve??? Ha, ha...yep, I do have Land Cruiser envy!
  14. SirShagalott


    OK, OK, I know...$900 for a 22??? This is a very, very rare Ruger 10-22 factory race rifle that has never been shot! Not only is it rare but it is serial #16 in the run of only 700 rifles. Perfect condition, beautiful stock, Ruger hammer forged heavy barrel, factory rail and rings...it is BEAUTIFUL! Yep, $900.00 Ric 602-330-4664
  15. Thanks man...I love guns a little too much (so says my wife). I do have a Remington 788 in 22-250. It's factory stock, nothing custom about it but it is a SHOOTER!!! If you are interested I'd sell it for $400.00. I may put it up on the classifieds here in the next few days. Best, Ric
  16. Regan Ranch, Funding some new rifle projects and it's easier to sell off a few than try to tell my wife why the savings account is shrinking...ha, ha.. Best, Ric
  17. Crap, I meant Bell & Carlson...sorry guys.