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Everything posted by AZ FSJ'r

  1. AZ FSJ'r

    small 3 x 3 ......

    Where is pix at? I don't see it.
  2. A friend a member here(might chime in) just when to Mexico Fishing drove all the way to La Paz, Said it was not to bad, but I would not go down there right now too Dangerous fo rmy liking.
  3. MAKE AN OFFER, no reasonable offer refused.
  4. AZ FSJ'r

    Sister-In-Laws Monster Buck

    Very nice, I only hope to get a shot at a Toad like that!! got any more pix?
  5. to the top, Make Offer
  6. lets see all those opening day Bucks.
  7. Tooo the Top REDUCED PRICES
  8. nice to see some antlers hitting the ground.
  9. it's ok they are cool with it.lol
  10. Sorry Monday Night Game is taken wife and girlfriend are going. But make offer on other game.
  11. Still have all these. Make offer....
  12. AZ FSJ'r

    Johny Stewart Caller

    what unit is it and how many different calls are there on the unit. wired or wireless
  13. AZ FSJ'r

    San Carlos NT Coues tribal hunt

    Wow, great buck on the Rez. wish the white man could hunt , there without paying with out and arm and a leg!!!! Got Beads???lol
  14. AZ FSJ'r

    Tony Reyes Fishing Tours Pics

  15. AZ FSJ'r

    gear for rifle Coues hunt

    Tag!!!! Gun!!! Ammo!!!! Food,Beer,Water, TP, and Bed Roll. That's It.............................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. ................................................................................. .................. Ya Right the list never ends!!!! every year I find something else I need to bring, LOL
  16. AZ FSJ'r

    Scouting alone

    I'm New to hunting in general, but even I know that you have to did it for yourself to get it done some times. With that said I do have very good friends that have not let me down. But you got to understand that Family and life come before other peoples Hunts. Just saying.
  17. AZ FSJ'r

    Guess the Lion weight!

  18. AZ FSJ'r

    Ring up two coyotes for the newbies!

    We went out today and CouseNbass missed a nice one at 75 yards, had to bust his grapes hahaha. Me I'm still a virgin but will get one soon, Hooked.
  19. AZ FSJ'r

    Hand-Called AZ Lion 2008

    great kill. and great write up.
  20. AZ FSJ'r

    cow tag filled

    looks like a lot of good meat, congrats
  21. AZ FSJ'r

    a little elk action video

    very nice. as a rookie huntsman I don't know if I could have held out on that Bull. Nice video
  22. AZ FSJ'r


    Good call Josh
  23. AZ FSJ'r

    my 1st elk

    Very nice Bull, hope to be drawn some year. Can't wait to see the video
  24. AZ FSJ'r

    Garrett's first elk & archery kill!

    Great Video and fist harvest. Now I hope to get a video that nice of Couse&Bass harvesting a 400 Bull in Nov. Chow!!
  25. AZ FSJ'r

    WEC Wreckage

    Love to see local talent rising to the top.