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Everything posted by fatfootdoc

  1. fatfootdoc

    Possible new BILL!!!

    Coach, I am totally opposed to giving the outfitted non residents 8% of the tags and non residents only 2%. I think non outfitted non residents should get 10% and outfitted non residents should not get any. The outfitters still are able to use landowner tags so they dont need any of the draw tags. NM has let the outfitters have to much sway over this number. In AZ they dont have guaranteed tags or landowner tags and they do fine. I think it is the big outfitters here in NM (like USO) that are the driving force behind this. ag
  2. fatfootdoc

    Possible new BILL!!!

    You have to compare apples to apples though, you are quoting the entire amount of hunters that put in for that, 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices, not just first choice(which if you really want the tag is where it should be)there were roughly 1800 applicants, same for the 16 hunt only 346 of those were first choice applicants. If I was one of those who was a first choice applicant for either unit I would be happy with having 10% more tags!! Right now the residents get 78% of tags, non res 10% and non res guided 12%, now NM has landowner tags and who do you think locks up most of those?? I wonder what the true number of non res Outfitter tags really is, guaranteed and through the draw? As far as I(and the majority of my friends)are concerned we want the res. tag increase. I dont moan about AZ limiting the non res tags to 10%, I am fine with that. As far as pitting hunter against hunter, I dont know about that, maybe resident hunter against non resident hunter, but fair is fair. ag
  3. fatfootdoc

    School me on socks, liners, insoles, wax, etc..

    I had a pair of the Meindl's and loved them...initially, on my way back from Mexico they rode in the back of the truck in the snow because they were just to stiff and tore my feet apart and I have not worn them since(they were broken in). Shifted to Lowa boots and they are most definitely the best boots I have worn. I always switch out the factory insoles to spenco crosstrainer inserts as well, I also recommend these to my patients. ag
  4. fatfootdoc

    Great job Senator Munoz!!!!

    I actually made contact with Howie about his bill proposal and after we got it straightened out I did not feel that the title was appropriate. I asked Amanda (Thank you) to remove it. AG
  5. fatfootdoc

    Upper lake Mary

    When I lived in Flag we used to hit stoneman in the am and Upper Lake Mary in the pm with top water lures for pike. Talk about Violent strikes, holy crap. They would hit so hard it would give you goose bumps the Zara spook and white rat were always the best for me. Brings back memories of life in Flag. thnx AG
  6. fatfootdoc

    Great job Senator Munoz!!!!

    WIll be interesting to see what happens with this. ag
  7. fatfootdoc

    You Decide...

    All that video shows me is that you were taping with alot of people who didnt know their limitations or how to wait for the best body position for a shot. You should spend more time filming the shooters at the range and catching their flinching etc on video so they can fix it and then videotape them practicing at the ranges they are shooting at. Then when we see them shoot at 600 yards at an animal, we know they have practiced!! Instead of taking a hail mary shot!! So that video changes nothing about how I feel about long range shooting, if you practice and are competent take the shot, if you are just out flinging lead....stay home. ag
  8. fatfootdoc

    Possible new BILL!!!

    I am entirely in support of the 90% resident tags, however I do not support giving the outfitters 8% and the other non residents 2%. that is just ridiculous, it should be 10% to non residents and if they choose to hire an outfitter then so be it. It is entirely unfair to limit the non res. tags to just 2%. I am emailing my state reps tonite about it. Guides in other states do well without a guaranteed percentage of tags. I really dont want teh surrounding states to reciprocate and limit us to 2% of tags.ag
  9. fatfootdoc

    NM Unit 23 Javelina

    COngrats!! You should european mount it with the arrow in place It is more expensive to hunt pig than antelope, cow elk and deer. Nice. ag
  10. fatfootdoc


    Save up and get one then, the mark v's all have 26 inch barrels!!!! ag
  11. fatfootdoc

    Flagstaff Support

    When I was getting done with residency I considered moving back to Flag as it was my hometown, went to elementary, junior high , high school and college there. After seeing how much it had changed since I was in Med school and residency we decided not to move back. A big part of that was I knew that when Bavasi was gone that the new mayor(no names for sure but I think it was Joe Donaldson but as I cant remember but he was uglier than the south end of a north bound dog) was very liberal and getting worse with the influx of So. Cal. and it was going down hill from there. From the "beautiful artwork" now found along 66 and Milton to the home prices we decided we just did not fit in flagstaff anymore. I scoped myself for the first time at the winona cinder pits, taught myself to shoot there after I realized I could not let my head be in contact with the scope when I pulled the trigger!! Anyway, looks my reasoning was good and I feel bad to see Flagstaff ruined by a bunch of garbage. Way to liberal for me now. I love to come visit, but always leave glad I dont live there anymore. ag
  12. fatfootdoc

    NM Hunter Education

    That would explain why it is so hard to get your kids in hunters ed in Silver. They have very few courses and they are always full, but it is usually the same guys teaching it. I wish I had more time in my schedule to allow me to do it. Appreciate the instructors who are certified and actually hold classes. ag
  13. fatfootdoc

    boiled peanuts?

    One of the OR scrub techs had those a few months ago(she is from New Orleans) DISGUSTING, I could not get them out of my mouth fast enough, it is a crime to do that to a Peanut!!!
  14. fatfootdoc

    2010 coues hunt

    It is amazing that there are such scum bags out there. I can understand if you drew first blood but it was not a fatal hit, but when you obviously had fatally shot it and they went and shot it again and took it, come on. Maybe it will happen to them sometimes, karma sucks!!! ag
  15. fatfootdoc

    2011 New Mexico Mule deer

    Kevin, Congrats on a beautiful deer!!! ag
  16. fatfootdoc

    2010 AZ Archery Coues Deer Hunt

    Beautiful Deer, Beautiful mount as well I imagine, who cares what it scores!!!
  17. fatfootdoc

    Pushing an arrowed deer too soon!

    You can always go back and check for ravens, etc, they will show you where he is at. He was most likely within 50-100 yards from you, they are impossible to find sometimes when they bury themselves up against a tree. He probably ran there when you pushed him and then bedded in the juniper thicket and is still in there dead. I would go back and check it out again if it were me. Good Luck, ag
  18. fatfootdoc

    Unit 23 Non-Burro Coues

    NIce buck!!, I quit hunting in 23 due to the number of lions there seemed to be and the fact that the WT numbers seemed to drop every year. When I first moved to NM in 2001 there seemed to be a much better population of deer on both the N and S side of the Mule creek Rd. ag
  19. fatfootdoc

    24a november hunt 3 for 3! All tagged out

    Awesome!!!!Congrats to you both! ag
  20. Why in the world do they need to get the approval of these organizations?? I dont think that is an accurate statement! I also am not real sure about the fire "wintering" in the roots and then flaring up in the summer. ag
  21. fatfootdoc

    She Shoots...She SCORES!!

    Sweet Buck Amanda!!!
  22. I was reading an article on fox news and the Mexican border states mayors and governors had a conference and they have solved the reason behind the increased Mexican border violence!!! Its because the US Border Patrol has deported thousands of violent crime committing illegals back to Mexico!! Can you believe the idiocy that prevails down there. Holy crap!!! If they dont want em back, they should just shoot them when they get there, obviously the trend in those who commit violent crimes is to do it again. Just plant em when they get back and there they have solved their problem. Of course for some reason it is always easier to blame the US because your country sucks instead of really trying to fix it!! Kind of like the false report about all the guns in Mexico illegally coming from the US. what a joke. ag
  23. fatfootdoc

    2010 Coues/Muley hunt

    good luck Tommy!!! ag
  24. fatfootdoc

    Possible new BILL!!!

    Survey done!!! TAM, you arent a NM resident so it is easy to second guess him, however I am a NM resident and it is not cool every year to hear how many Non residents have drawn when I know multiple people who live here who cant get a tag. I have had one antelope tag in 9 years(archery) I have an non res. uncle(in law) who has drawn 7 of those 9 years. I have 2 kids actively hunting and 2 getting ready to start. I have been on one elk hunt with them in 4 years of putting in . As far as starting a contest on who can give the highest resident percentage, not going to happen. Game and fish rely to heavily on non resident revenue. The deer tag I put in for in AZ for coues has 5 non res. tags available, based on NM numbers it would have 11. I am all for the change and would even pay more license fees to support it. AG