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Everything posted by fatfootdoc

  1. fatfootdoc

    let the rumors begin!!!

    Well Good luck to everyone, hopefully they will post early tomorrow, with my luck I will be in the middle of surgery at 9 and will not be able to check results right away. AG
  2. fatfootdoc

    Predator Hunters???

    even a blind pig finds a root now and then!! How were their coats? AG
  3. fatfootdoc

    Predator Hunters???

    It is the Oompa Loompa Machismo!! ag
  4. fatfootdoc

    Predator Hunters???

    J- Get two sticks and continue to click them together as hard as you can, walk slowly through the largest cow pasture that you can and keep your eyes peeled(for cowpies). If you dont see anything it is just because it is to hot right now to call!! Hit me up in the cooler months(fall- better coats, spring- younger dumber animals) ag
  5. fatfootdoc

    let the rumors begin!!!

    J, You mean your credit card didn't get hit?..... Neither did mine, sorry that was kind of mean ag
  6. fatfootdoc

    national champs!!!

    casey, You mean you didn't know that you can't root for a team unless you actually have attended the school?? Man where have you been? Flagstaff?
  7. fatfootdoc

    W's immigration policy

    TwoGuns, To compare the immigration wave of today vs that of yesteryear is probably not appropriate. The days of Ellis island and etc are long gone and those immigrants were all legal and yes they came here for a better life and for the most part added to the great melting pot that is our country. Now I am a God fearing soul as well, but my problem is that what they are doing is ILLEGAL, I dont think any of us would really have a problem with them if they would do it the right way and take steps to become contributing members of society. If you ask anyone who has immigrated here and done it correctly about their opinion on this issue it is usually the same as ours. I have a father who still has a green card and has completely acclimated himself to the US and is a productive member of society and he had to work to make it so, He did it legally and this is what helped him to make the effort to live the American dream. Frankly the illegals dont have that attitude because if they did they would immigrate the right way!!! AG
  8. fatfootdoc

    W's immigration policy

    I really have no issue with the immigrants who are here LEGALLY, if they do it right and are productive then more power to them. But to grant amnesty to all the ILLEGALS that are here? What kind of message does that send to Mexico, remember the monies sent back to Mexico from here are a large part of their gross domestic product! No wonder the Mexican government does not do anything to stop it. How nice for them that they come over here and deplete our health care monies and wear out the border patrol. Honestly, I think that we should not be obligated to treat them for their injuries and etc. Send them packing and let them be a burden to their own crappy government. I hate the fact that my tax dollar goes to support some illegal who got heat stroke crossing the desert or who broke his ankle running from the border patrol. I say dump them over the fence and leave them or better yet have one big massive convoy full of illegals and dump them in the heart of Mexico city and say here are your people take care of them, fix their problems in your own hospitals, see how hey react when they deal with what we deal with!!! AG Oh and don't even get me started on NAFTA!!
  9. fatfootdoc


    good thing his greasy old al qaeda beard and hair did not catch, it would have looked like some of the fires I started as a kid with white gas!!! ag
  10. fatfootdoc

    let the rumors begin!!!

    So I had a patient come in yesterday and we were talking about scheduling a surgery and she says" Well schedule me in the fall I didn't get drawn for elk so I have nothing else to do". I said in NM? and she said yeah my broth. in law called and said we did not get drawn. SO of course I panic and do a computer search for NMDGf in the treatment room on our computer and it sends me right to a screen to enter my ssn and dob, so I do it right away and of course I am ready to see what I am hunting next year and it pulls up and I got drawn for elk and deer and so I am excited , until I see that there is someone on our application that did not put in this year. Yep you got it , it was last years results!!! So I told my patient that her broth. in law looked up last years draw like another moron I knew really well and that it will be june 20th before she knows for sure, so we are waiting to schedule her surgery!!AG
  11. fatfootdoc

    let the rumors begin!!!

    I got an email from the state of NM yesterday reminding me to make sure my credit card was good as they were doing the draw this week. AG
  12. fatfootdoc

    national champs!!!

    Casey, Does that make you a SCUMberjack? ag
  13. fatfootdoc

    let the rumors begin!!!

    nothing!! ag
  14. fatfootdoc

    Coues Snack?

    Sure they can eat that, after all it is just a GIANT asparagus after all, Gee I wonder what their pee smells like after eating an asparagus that big ag
  15. fatfootdoc

    Online Draw Applications Suspended

    Of course, now NM will have some delay in their draw and the results wont post until June 27th That would be just about right. ag
  16. So does anyone have the way we can contact our state reps in AZ and NM, I would gladly write a letter or an email stating that I will not vote for anyone who approves the amnesty and actually think it is a disgrace that Bush is even considering it. I am actually ashamed that I voted for the guy. AG
  17. Down the Barrel, You should have just done us all a favor and shot the bast...!! Then we would not have to worry about him running into us! I'll bet ya an at fault report would have been filed then!!! When I was in high school in Flag my buddy got t boned by a house keeper at little america, of course her name was guadalupe mercado ochoa hernandez reyes and she had no insurance and was here illegally, you guessed it he got to drive his newly customized (dented) vehicle around for 7 more months as he could not afford to fix it. She offered to pay him cash and was never heard from again. AG
  18. fatfootdoc

    Can you say OUCH!!

    Shoot you guys have nothing on us in Silver, it is 3.55 a gallon for unleaded but still 2.99 for diesel It is nice that big oil is having record profits and we are all taking it in the rear BIODIESEL here I come!! ag
  19. fatfootdoc

    some bad news

    Casey, It is only bad news for you, not for us, that is one less person we have to worry about in our drawing odds!! Remember mule deer are a little bigger so it may take you a few more shots to put one down for keeps ag
  20. fatfootdoc

    John McCain

    az4 life, last I remembered Fred Thompson was a career politician. What really needs to happen is that there needs to be term limits in the House and Senate of two terms just like for President. That is the only way to limit the career politicians and keep fresh ideas in the Government. I dont think we really need to worry about a Republican getting elected Pres anyway, unless the find a huge bunker of WMD in Iraq, kill Osama bin Laden and Muqtada al Sadr, have an Iraqi pres with some cajones to train its own police and army, and have the Afghanis uprise and kill all the Taliban. That being said, I hope Mitt Romney does well, he is not a career politician, served as Gov of Mass and I think that is it. Oh well, better buy your assault rifles and large clips now because they will be banned again before you know it!! AG
  21. A buddy of mine left here to be a game warden in Oregon and his starting salary was more than his boss's was in AZ and he was only 3 years from retirement!!! Key issue here is in Oregon the game wardens are actually state troopers and are paid as such. It is a shame that AZ does not do that. I wanted to work for game and fish until I found out the starting salary!! That changed my mind very quickly!! Think about it though, the guys and gals that really enjoy hunting are the last ones to want to work for AZGFD , you work darn near all the hunts! Where is the fun in that?! No wonder they are getting a bunch of non hunters as officers! AG
  22. Why do you think I did not move back to Flagstaff when I was done with residency and med school. Too many California rejects who moved to Flag to get away from it all, only to try to make it more like where they came from!!!! ag
  23. fatfootdoc

    Swarovskis Vs. Leica

    Have you tried them both for fit? I went to sportsmans dead set on the leica duovid, but could not get them adjusted for my big head and they just did not fit me right. The Swaros were awesome. Lot of money to spend for glass that you might not be able to use well. They are just like shoes, try them on first!! AG
  24. fatfootdoc

    Her fist catch

    []Here are some pics from my families land in Illinois
  25. fatfootdoc

    Her fist catch

    vinihunts, They all came from Big Lake. I had one fish that took my line so fast(the drag was set high) that by the time I grabbed it I had a huge birds nest and could not reel in, I would have liked to see that one. AG