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Everything posted by fatfootdoc

  1. fatfootdoc

    My website

    J- I am kind of bummed that the Master Blaster picture is not on your website!!! ag
  2. fatfootdoc

    23 scouting

    went out scouting 2 weekends ago(had a massive case of strep throat this weekend, lost 20 lbs it was awesome ) There are muley bucks everywhere, saw alot of whitetail sign one doe, will go out 2 weekends from now and see what I can find, have a family reunion this weekend. I am trying to pattern some deer for my kids to see on their first deer hunt, hopefully will see some small bucks for them and a big one for me ag
  3. Yep, Life sucks, but that is one nice buck! I would not let that moron keep me from hunting in there!! You need to suck it up and get out there and hunt that buck!! Think about how you will feel after you kill it, you wont even care that some moron stole your camera!! so buck up little camper and go kill kill kill!!! ag
  4. fatfootdoc

    23 scouting

    J- congrats on the antelope, and thanks tommy- you know I was trying to get to 400 so we could at least have a competitive sumo match but you are going to have to wait until I recover now!! I am going back out in 2 weeks if you have anyplace you want me to check out !! ag
  5. fatfootdoc

    Burro Mountains in unit 23

    you need to PM Tommy (crazyaboutcoues) He has a service where he will scout the area for you, get you maps etc. He is a good guy and will take good care of you in the burros. That is what I would do with limited time and means etc. His price is great considering your return on investment. AG
  6. fatfootdoc

    Questions on Binocular

    UH Dude,-----Thats kind of gross You better get the wifey poo a better anniversary present next time. ag
  7. fatfootdoc

    Does anyone us a 22-250 for Coues

    I have killed 2 coues with my 22-250, both one shot kills and neither went a foot after being shot, both were about 300 yards away, so good gun but shot placement was everything. That being said, I prefer a heavier bullet that will have less wind drift now and only would use the 22-250 out of necessity. My 9 year old daughter is hunting whitetail with it this year though. AG
  8. fatfootdoc

    Questions on Binocular

    not only does the clarity suck, those things are HEAVY, you are too fat and out of shape to lug those puppies up and down the burros. Trade in that Zeiss spotting scope and get some REAL binoculars!!!! AG
  9. fatfootdoc

    Vortex spotting scopes

    longshooter, thanks I appreciate you letting me know how they work for you. AG
  10. fatfootdoc

    Vortex spotting scopes

    Do any of you use these spotting scopes, if so how is the glass? I need a new spotting scope and they seemed to be reasonably priced at Dougs. Thanks ag
  11. fatfootdoc

    Vortex spotting scopes

    Well, Judging by the lack of responses it appears that Vortex spotting scopes must really suck! AG
  12. kgaines, That was awesome I think they should hold the targets as well!! ag
  13. fatfootdoc

    NM deer tags

    me too. ag
  14. fatfootdoc

    Auction Hunt

    I would not want to be in John Babbitt's shoes , his neighors are probably a little pis-ed off at him right now. I knew a John Babbitt who liked to hunt when I lived in Flag, wonder if it is one and the same? ag
  15. fatfootdoc

    2006-2007 Burro mountain archery buck

    sounds like it is real, That is AWESOME. Congrats to the hunter. ag
  16. fatfootdoc

    New Items this year in field?

    I am taking 2 new hunters out in the field this year(my oldest boy and girl) does that count? they are chomping at the bit to get out and go. AG
  17. fatfootdoc

    Weekend pics

    We set up feeders every year and we get alot of the Rufous birds, they are aggressive, I went out one day wearing my St. Louis Cardinals Red and one came right up to my shirt and hovered there for about a minute 1 inch from my chest, was pretty cool. I have been dive bombed a few times, but just was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was hunting with my kids one Spring and we saw one land in its nest so we went over and looked and it was all made of spider web adn was about 2 inches across and 1 inch deep. Pretty cool little birds. I saw a ruby throated hummingbird up in the peaks one year near lockett meadow that was the prettiest I have seen. AG
  18. fatfootdoc

    2006-2007 Burro mountain archery buck

    I agree , something may be rotten in Denmark! ag
  19. fatfootdoc

    Auction Hunt

    I think the whole idea of the auction tag being year round is appealing and that is why people bid on them. I for one would buy one in a second if I could afford it, if I killed a humongous animal the day before the hunts started for everyone else, well yay for me, that is why I bought the tag in the first place!!! Hey there are those of us who would not be happy doing that, well more power to you. If I am going to spend that kind of money, I am going to hunt whenever I want regardless of anyone else. Look at our forum, all of us go out and do things to maximize our potential for getting a shot at a big whitetail buck, how is this different? When I hunt does not affect my respect for what I am hunting! How much I paid for my tag does not affect it either! What other people think about what I spent for my tag and how I got it has no bearing either! I am there for the thrill of the hunt and to take a nice animal if possible! ag
  20. fatfootdoc

    NWTF - Silver City Work Project

    bummer, I have to go to Phoenix this weekend to see inlaws(oh yay) Is there anything else coming up in the near future? ag
  21. fatfootdoc

    what are you guys doing?

    I would like to dedicate CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE by Jimmy B to both of you guys!! ag
  22. fatfootdoc

    what are you guys doing?

    I get in shape the traditional new mexican way: I turn on a hunting show and do lunges from the easy chair to the fridge and back again, every commercial. oh and I carry chip bags and soda pop to strengthen my massive back even more. Sometimes when I am feeling especially good, I put my hunting boots on and do my lunges that way. I tried doing it with my badlands 2800, but it was too heavy, especially after I put the corn chips and soda pop in it! Had to leave that sucker laying on the floor in the kitchen and just get the chips out of it on commercial breaks and drink the pops until it was empty and then I just drug it back to the easy chair!! ag
  23. fatfootdoc

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    I think in the event of a tie that the early bird should get the worm!! It says not to duplicate scores does it not?? ag
  24. fatfootdoc

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    117 3/8 not much left to choose from. ag