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Everything posted by fatfootdoc

  1. Lark, If I start using my 257 for elk then I might try and talk you into using a 257 and then we would have to argue for years about it because we both know that there is no way you are going to switch and I am always going to know how much better of a shot you would be if you used a real rifle and I would really want to make you aware of it!! ag
  2. I have shot deer with 30-06, 300 wsm, 22-250, 270 and 257 weatherby, the 257 weatherby kicks all their butts, followed closely by the 30-06. The key is to find the gun you like and use it until you own it and then hunt with it all the time. Now , I would not use the 257 for elk or any like size game.
  3. fatfootdoc

    Traveling Gear bag

    J, I will look at the cabelas a little more closely, what kind do you have? I would be going with a buddy of mine who has been up there a few times and has used the same guy each time, however I have no idea who it is I would just be tagging along. If I go to OR, one of my good friends is a game and fish officer and he runs a lot of the rivers on patrol so we would actually float the rogue river and hunt the newer burns and then when we tag out fish for salmon and steelhead. So I figure either way I cant go wrong!! Of course the other factor is if my kids get drawn for anything. ag
  4. fatfootdoc

    Traveling Gear bag

    j- I heard that the cabelas bags were pretty crappy and came apart after a few flights(I know , hearsay ) I am either going to OR to hunt blacktail and fish or to Kodiak for blacktails. I would like a decent quality bag and have thought about the badlands terra glide, but have no experience with it, other than the warranty , that way if it gets messed up I can just send it back. AG
  5. Have you guys looked at the deer drawing odd reports for 07-08? In many of the units the non guided non residents are getting way more than their allocated 10%!! In one unit, more nonresidents got tags than residents!! What is up with that? Granted, in some units there were more non residents that put in, but even NM residents who applied with their 2nd choice should have been drawn before non residents until the quota of 78% of residents had been met. Keep in mind this is non guided non residents!! not guided, they should only get 10% of the tags!! I am going to try to contact our newly reappointed commissioner Dutch Salmon to get his thoughts, but as the guy thinks wolves are good for NM and that we need to reintroduce River otters to eat our newly reestablished Gila trout population, I will get about as far as I usually do(have you guys seen The Jerk where Navin leaves the family home only to stand on the road in front of the house all day long?? that is similiar to my experience with Mr. Salmon!) which is absolutely nowhere. I have thought about taking the George Taulman tract and finding a lawyer in NM who likes to hunt and fish to look into it. It would be different if the commision would at least listen to us, but not once has dutch salmon ever taken the time to return a phone call or email me back! Anyway , the situation sucks for the NM residents and they need to fix it so it is done right!! AG
  6. Well I still have not heard from game and fish yet, maybe I need to email them again, of course it probably doesn't help that I referred to them as booger eatin morons and dumber than a box of hammers actually I did not and i really don't expect the courtesy of a reply from them. ag
  7. fatfootdoc

    Youth Javelina

    I would contact Brushbuster about pigs. ag
  8. I hope that is what is happening, but I have some friends who put in for some of those hunts and they did not get drawn for them. That is my issue with it. Like I said before, the non resident app's should be done after the 78% cap has been met for residents regardless of it being the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice for them. I emailed the dept of game and fish to see what they say about it. AG
  9. fatfootdoc

    You guys won't believe this..........

    I swear I saw one down in 36A one year, I was glassing and saw what looked like a huge black panther stalking some whitetail, I lost it in a canyon and when I told my buddies they all told me I was full of Crap!, so I quit bringing it up. It was way bigger than a lion. I would have like to see it through my NEW SWARO 15's!! ag
  10. fatfootdoc

    el pepÉ scores again

    elpepe, Awesome buck, but you should really change your name to PERSEVERANCE!!!! I dont think I ever could have done what you did!! Well Done. ag
  11. fatfootdoc

    Swaroviski 15x56 and minox 15x58 BR

    I hunted with the fujinon 15x 60 hb for a few years and upgraded to swaro 15x 56 this year, I would never go back to anything other than the swarovski's . I tried the Leicas but they didnt fit my head well and it took me forever to focus them . plus the warranty is crappy with leica. I decided that leica must mean Lucky in germany or wherever they are made, Lucky to see anything!! ag
  12. Actually thievery is an addiction and it really is our fault for leaving our vehicle unlocked or our stands and our trail cams, we really should be in trouble for tempting them!! Yeah Right!! IT is a conscious choice to steal or not to steal, it does not matter if it is a trail cam, a treestand, or a frigging rifle leaning against a tree. If it is not yours keep your stinking hands off of it!!!! I dont even keep quarters I find in the car wash!! They are not mine, so why bother!! I hope I never leave a treestand out around coues$, especially if was needing one!! Thieves suck and at some time they all get what is coming to them, I just wish I was there to see it more often!! AG
  13. fatfootdoc

    Jamaro and crazyaboutcoues Mexico hunt

    Congratulations Guys, You deserve them!! Awesome bucks, who is mounting them for you? ag
  14. fatfootdoc

    Well, it worked!

    FM, I like the patina on your spotting scope, but that whitetail is awesome, how about putting a pic of the mistress in so we can see scale!!! ag
  15. fatfootdoc

    My 2008 Coues Deer Just a Pic

    great job J, Awesome buck!! good luck in ol Mexico!!! ag
  16. fatfootdoc

    Dec. 14, 2007 buck

    who cares how many shots it took you, that is a nice buck !!! ag
  17. So what is up with NM, I was looking at the drawing odds this am and the published drawing quota for non residents here is 10 % non res and 12% non res guided, so I am looking at the Bighorn Sheep stats and 9 tags went to residents and 8 went to non residents , what is up with that?!! 8 of 17!!!! That is 47 % ! Like we need to give half our tags to non residents when we dont even have a bonus point system!! I probably will never get drawn putting in every year as it is!!! Do any of you guys know why they got nearly 50% of our tags???? ag
  18. fatfootdoc

    Merry Christmas to ME

    Well I decided binoculars are like boats, you can never have one big enough!. I hunted with my swaro 10 els, and realized that I could see more with them than my 15 fujinons. So cabelas had their promo of one year no payments and no interest, and that coupled with a large gift card and my new 15x 56 's should be here the day after Christmas!! I kind of knew that I would want them after getting the 10 power. I cant wait to test them out. I actually really considered the Leicas with the range finder but they only have a 10 year warranty and if I am going to spend that much they better be a lifetime guarantee. Plus they did not fit my huge head very well!! If I am near as happy with them as I am with my EL's things will be good!! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night(could not resist , sorry ) ag
  19. fatfootdoc

    Merry Christmas to ME

    Amanda, Compared to the fujinon 15 x 60's I was lugging around, the Swaro's are light as a feather!! ag
  20. fatfootdoc

    Merry Christmas to ME

    oldtimer, Maybe it is time to replace the bifocals? I used my new swarovski on a buddies private land archery hunt in NM and holy friggin cow!! Those things are way beyond awesome!! I was able to judge deer much better and find them much easier!! It was like heaven!! I may never use my 10 x 42 els again, those 15's are light and easy to use! I see why Foundry Man treats his optics like a mistress now!! If I would have known the difference those puppies would make, I would have bought them years ago!!! Even if my wife finds out how much I spent , as long as she doesn't shove them up any orifice to far for me to get them out, it will be so worth it!!! Cant wait for hunting seasons!! I may hunt barbary sheep just for an excuse to use them!!! ag
  21. fatfootdoc

    On-line Apps

    So what youre saying is , is that it is time for me to make my yearly donations to the G and F ?! Sometimes I think I would be more successful if I just did not put in!! ag
  22. fatfootdoc


    Scottyboy, Awesome bull!! I was all set to hunt on a ranch here in NM for a cow bull for meat, last year they called and asked if I wanted a heifer or a dry cow. I of course said heifer and then they never called me back. So this year they call and ask if I want to hunt a management cow, I asked the average age, the lady says at least 9 years old. I lost interest pretty quick after that. AG
  23. fatfootdoc

    nonresident sheep tags

    Kevin, Glad I read your post before I called and made a huge a-- of myself!! I wonder if that court order was a result of the same lawsuit that AZ fought and won? AG
  24. fatfootdoc

    nonresident sheep tags

    Well I was reading the regs and it says in the beginning that the entire draw is based on a quota system and that 78% go to red yada yada yada, it does not say anywhere that I could find , except for sheep tags!! Jason Amaro, do you have Dutch Salmons email(I assume he was reappointed to the commission) I would like an explanation on this. If there is no difference they are not abiding by their own regulations and that needs to change!! As far as I know the proclamation is based on a legally binding document, so they HAVE to give us more tags!! ag
  25. fatfootdoc

    nonresident sheep tags

    AHH, Maybe now we know why so many non residents get sheep tags ag