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About Harleyfx69

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  1. Harleyfx69

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    pretty sure that says it .. not on a road, in the middle of a forest, no roads, no trails, no creek beds, driving through the middle of the forest,
  2. Harleyfx69

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    It always makes me smile when people are doing illegal activities and get arrested for them.. that always puts a smile on my face.. Nothing like destroying the forest to make for a better hunt..
  3. Harleyfx69

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    Yes, i did get out this past weekend, ive also been out nearly daily, saw one spike a day or two after that incident, then yesterday saw the same group of bucks and chased em for about an hour, then they came near a road, and 2 guys came by a road in there truck and spooked them badly to run into the hills, The comment i got from them "You see them bucks, dem was biggun's" .. ya i did.. almost had one too.. Also for the quads, i wouldnt be bitching if the were on a road, thought i was clear in saying they were literally driving across no road forest, just blazing after the dang deer.. Which IIRC is illegal and if caught carries a large fine and what not .. Good luck yall
  4. Im a little bit in a bad mood.. Im hunting 11m and spotted some great bucks friday morning and they were already spooked, this was at about 5:30-6:00 so right at daylight.. Couldnt get close enough to shoot, drew back once and they went on their way.. later that day came back to this area and there was some jack butt driving around on a quad.. Sadly i know the people too, and they are suppose to be "top hunters" .. lost all respect in my minds eye.. Its good to get out hunting, but when people like this are in the area it ruins it, Im gonna try and get back out in the same area tomorow morning, but i doubt the bucks will be there
  5. im gonna try and get drawn for something near williams, or possibly prescott, im still crunching through the numbers in the book..
  6. Harleyfx69

    Roads still closed..

    im kind of disapointed they have basically done a blanket closure, as several areas roads are okay to use .. but i also agree that many are still too wet to go on, and once again, some bad apples give the rest of the hunting / offroading community a bad name ..
  7. Harleyfx69

    2010 Deer and Sheep Hunt Guidelines

    im a fan of 11m, but dont tell anyone .. im going after a monster i chased last year..
  8. Harleyfx69

    Roads still closed..

    not a 'set" shooting range, but an area of forest that is commonly used for shooting, good backdrops and what not, out the i40 towards williams
  9. Harleyfx69

    New guy here!

    thanks for the warm welcome, as far as the june get together, do you have a link or a description i could look at ? ive never heard of it before, but i have done get to gethers with an old truck club and paintball and what not ..
  10. Dissapointed , today i went to sight in a new rifle and all the darn roads i tried are closed, sadly though, some clowns drove over the signs and broke all of them that i came across, some people have no respect for our wildlife..
  11. Harleyfx69

    New guy here!

    I do agree this is contagious , But as for expensive, it falls in line with my other hobbys, I have always been an avid outdoor enthusiast, my first hobby started with paintball, then went to trucks and guns .. also what are good areas for finding turkeys, i have never seen one in all of the northern arizona area,
  12. Harleyfx69

    New guy here!

    New guy here, i have lurked the forum for a while. From Northern Arizona , first year drawing a elk tag, albeit it is a cow tag, but i will be happy just to get my first one if i am lucky enough to. Havent been hunting too long, just the last couple years Also for a question for yall, When does the draw for deer generally hit the counter at walmart or from the GF office, curious when i need to start looking for it
  13. Harleyfx69

    **Draw Results**

    New guy to the board here, Got drawn for the early archery cow 11m,